[dark green background indicates
160-2 The crowd before Haman Esth III 2
163 The crowd before Haman – except Mordecai Esth III 2
168 and thrown into prison Esth
II 23
169-170 The conspirators are hung Esth
II 23
171 officers presiding at the punishment
175 Haman named as governor Esth
180 Mordecai by the palace Esth
II 19
181 ? officers at the palace
182 Esther realises Ahasuerus's conspiracy Esth II 22
183 Ahasuerus receives Esther Esth
II 22
184-186 Conspirators brought before Ahasuerus Esth II 23
187 The conspirators are beaten Esth
II 23
196-7 pm Mordecai discovers conspiracy Esth
II 21-22
198-9 pm Mordecai's messenger with Esther Esth II 22
204-6 pm Ahasuerus gives the people a festival. Esth I 5-8
210 pm the wise men before Ahasuerus. Esth
I 11-12
The Book of Esther
192-195,207 -209, 211 all modern
36 Vengeance of the Jews Esth
IX 15-16
37 ? assistant at an execution Esth
IX 20
38-39 Envoys from Mordecai Esth
IX 20
40 Esther confirms in writing the Feast of Purim Esth IX 29-32
42-43 Mordecai accepted by the people Esth
X 3
52 The vengeance of the Jews Esth
IX 5-10
53 Ahasuerus & the vengeance of the Jews Esth IX 12-14
54 ? assistants at an execution Esth
IX 14-18?
55 Vengeance of the Jews Esth
IX 15-16
60 Ahasuerus orders Haman to be hung Esth
VII 10
61 Haman is hung Esth
VII 10
62 ?Ahasuerus and a servant
63 Ahasuerus gives his ring to Mordecai Esth
64 ? A messenger
65 Ahasuerus receives Esther Esth
VIII 3-8
66 Esther asks to reverse Haman's letters Esth VIII 3-8
67 ? a servant
74 ? Ahasuerus' court
75-76 Ahasuerus orders Haman's to be blindfolded Esth VII 8
77 Esther at Haman's arrest Esth
78-79 The king orders his guards Esth
84-5 ? Haman returns mourning Esth
VI 12
86-7 ? Haman summoned Esth
VI 13-14
88-89 Esther's second feast Esth
VII 1-7
90 Ahasuerus in the queen's garden Esth
VII 7-8
91 ? Haman in the queen's garden
96 Haman in the court of the palace Esth
VI 5-10
97-98 Ahasuerus receives Haman Esth
VI 5-10
99 a servant in front of the palace
100-103 The triumph of Mordecai Esth
VI 11
109 Haman leaves the palace Esth
V 9
115 Ahasuerus reads the chronicles Esth
VI 1-3
120-121 Ahasuerus interrogates Esther Esth
V 2-3
123 Ahasuerus and Esther attend the festival Esth V 5
124 Esther requests a banquet Esth
V 6-8
125 Esther's banquet, the queen Esth
V 6-8
126 Esther's banquet, the king Esth
V 6-8
127 Esther's banquet, Haman Esth
V 6-8
132-3 Mordecai reunites the Jews to pray Esth
IV 17
136 ?Ahasuerus' officers
137 Esther goes to find the king Esth
V 1
138-9 Ahasuerus receives Esther Esth
V 2
145 Ahasuerus gives Haman his ring Esth
II 10
146 Haman gives orders
147 and the scribe writes them down Esth
III 12
148 Mordecai puts on sackcloth and ashes Esth
IV 1
150 Esther sends Hathach to Mordecai Esth
IV 6-8
157 Haman's throne Esth
158 The crowd before Haman Esth
159 Haman receives the peoples' homage Esth