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Reference: Lillich, M.P. "The Armour of Light" 1994 p.76 et seq.


n1 - 109




n2 - 111


n3 -113


s3 - 114

n4 - 115


s4 - 116

(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008

Poitiers, St Radegonde

The glass mostly dates from c. 1268-1276, although over the centuries therer has been much damage (e.g. the English in the C14 and the Huguenots in 1562). Much reorganisation in the C18 and early C20. Windows 115 and 116 contain reset pieces. Window 111 dates from the early C20 in the style of its neighbour 109.

St Radegonde was queen to Clotaire in the mid-C6, hence her distinctive royal Capetian dress with fleur-de-lys in a number of windows (see king and queen for example in window 114).


Age Subject


c.1270 The story of St Radegonde


early C20 [The story of St Radegonde]


late C13 & C14 Last Judgement; Infancy cycle and Passion


original C13 and reset pieces St Laurence & St Blaise remains; Dives and Lazarus


late C13 original C13 grisaille and reset panels of St Radegonde


C13, C18, C20  reset pieces and fragments