Auxerre, Cathedral
24. Christ blessing
21. Witnesses
22. On the grill
23. Decius watches
18. Decius and an attendant
19. Laurence baptises in prison
20. Laurence led of to his death
15. Led off to prison
16. Laurence beaten again
17. Decius watches
12. Decius
13. Laurence is beaten
14. he is led away
9. St Laurence before .....
10. ... the Emperor Decius....
11... his clothes are taken away from him
6. St Peter
7. Apostle
8. Apostle
3. Apostle
4. Apostle
5. Apostle
1. St Paul preaching on Malta
2. St Paul bitten by a serpent
w. 9
St Laurence and other panels including in the lower section further scenes of St Peter & St Paul from next-door window 7 - (note similar background)
Sample of border
(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008