Palma Cathedral, Maiorca

"If the eye be single......

The Secret of the Rose

Light in medieval times was seen to be a magical substance - it even passed through glass without breaking it!

Light today is still a considerable mystery. If you could travel at its speed you would be outside time and your mass would be infinite - immortal?

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The Aix Annunciation, probably by Bartholomew d'Eyke (left)

....the body is filled with light."

The Protestant mystic philosopher Jacob Böehme had a number of mystical experiences throughout his youth, culminating in a vision in 1600; one day he focused his attention onto the exquisite beauty of a beam of sunlight reflected in a pewter dish. He believed this vision revealed to him the spiritual structure of the world, as well as the relationship between God and man, and good and evil. At the time he chose not to speak of this experience openly, preferring instead to continue his work and raise a family.[Wikipedia]