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Searching by subject - Religious subjects Return ----- ----Homepage ----- Click on the blue number opposite the subject on this and the next screen n.b. *** USE YOUR BROWSER RETURN KEY to return to previous screens |
709 | Angelic Hierarchy |
710 | Angels |
701 | Apostles (group) |
709 | Archangels |
401 | Childhood of Christ |
103 | Christ |
802 | Devils |
703 | Ecclesiastics |
717 | Elders of the Apocalypse |
702 | Evangelists (group) |
100 | God the Father |
200 | Old Testament - figures |
102 | Holy Spirit |
805 | Last Judgement |
500 | Life / Cycle of the Virgin |
401.1 | Life of Christ |
401.4 | Miracles |
710 | Musician Angels |
401.002 | Nativity cycle |
401 | New Testament |
807 | Typological subjects |
401.5 | Parables |
401.3 | The Passion to the Resurrection |
600 | Saints |
810 | Seven Acts of Mercy |
811 | Seven Deadly Sins |
812 | Seven Sacraments |
813 | Te Deum |
814 | Ten Commandments |
816 | The Tree of Jesse |
101 | Trinity |
815 | Vices and Virtues |