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The Saints Return ______Homepage____ Click on the blue number in the left column to see examples. They are in alphabetical order. If a saint's name does not appear in blue choose a name near to it and scroll around |
600.0010 | St Abadias | A 4th century saint venerated in the Coptic church |
600.0011 | St Abrogastius | Bishop of Strasbourg in the 7th century who built the first cathedral there |
600.0012 | St Acacius | Patriarch of Constantinople d.489 |
600.0023 | St Acheul (Acceul) | A little known about this saint said to have died in Amiens in the 4th century |
600.0030 | St Adrian(us) Adrien | A number with this name: in the golden Legend he was a Roman officer who converted but was violently tortured |
600.0031 | St Agapit | Born at Kiev in the ?11th century he was famous for healing often using herbs (boiled with the help of prayers) |
600.0040 | St Agatha | Little is known about her, possibly from Catania in Sicily in the 3rd century. Patron saint of bellmakers and sometimes portrayed carrying her bell-like breasts which she lost through torture |
600.0050 | St Agnes | A Roman martyr about whom little is knowm She probably was martyred young c.320 and her emblem is a lamb |
600.0051 | St Agricole | Bishop of Avignon famed for preaching and charitable works. d. 700 |
600.0052 | St Aignan | Bishop of Orleans c.400 of which city he is now patron saint; he helped defend the city from the Huns |
600.0053 | St Alban | The first British martyr of Roman origin who died in 209 according to the 5th century writer Gildas |
600.0054 | St Albertus Magnus | Great teacher and encyclopaedic writer who settled at Cologne and died there in 1280 |
600.0056 | St Alexander | Little known about him and there are a number with the name. |
600.0060 | St Alphege | Archbishop of Canterbury when it fought the Danes died in Greenwich 1012 |
600.0061 | St Alpin | 8th Bishop of Chalons-en-Champagne who founded the cathedral, ND en Vaux and the convent St Lazare. He died at Baye in 480 |
600.0062 | St Altin | ? |
600.0070 | St Amande | A hermit in Bourges he became a missionary supported by the frankish kings; he reprimanded Dagobert for using force to convert people. d.679 |
600.0080 | St Amatre (Amateur) | Became Bishop of Auxerre in 388 and famed for performing miracles, mostly of healing. d. 418 |
600.0090 | St Ambrose | One of the 4 Doctors (Fathers) of the Church. Born at Trier he died in Milan where he was bishop in 397 |
600.0100 | St Anastasia | Byzantine saint; she died at Sremska Mitrovica in ?304 |
600.0110 | St Andrew | Apostle and fisherman brother of St Peter; the X-shaped cross is known only from the Middle Ages |
600.0115 | St Andrew of Anagni | |
600.0120 | St Anne | Traditional mother of the Virgin Mary; (cf. Hannah of 1 Samuel 1) |
600.0121 | St Ansano | Patron saint of Siena; |
600.0124 | St Ansbert | Archbishop of Rouen who died 694 |
600.0126 | St Anselm | Born in Aosta he became Archbishop at Canterbury in 1093 |
St Ansoaldus | A bishop of Strasbourg in the early 7th century | |
600.013 | St Anthony | Founded hermetic monasticism of desert monks in Egypt in 3rd century; born c.251 died 356 (over 100 years old?). Resisted spiritual and physical temptations. A.k.a. A. Abbot or A. the Hermit |
600.0132 | St Anthony Abbot | See St Anthony |
600.0135 | St Anthony of Padua | Born in Lisbon he became a Franciscan and preached in Morocco and then in Italy where he died in Padua aged 37 in 1231 |
600.0137 | St Anthony the Hermit | See St Anthony |
600.0140 | St Apollonia | A virgin-martyr in Alexandria; d. 249AD. Patron saint of dentists |
600.0141 | St Apollinaire | Originally from Antioch with St Peter he becale bishop of Ravenna: died 86AD |
600.01415 | St Aquilin(a) | She came from Byblos, preached Christianity and died under Diocletian in 293AD |
600.0142 | St Arbogaste | A bishop of Strasbourg in the 7th century |
St Arian | An Alexandrian martyr d.331 | |
600.0143 | St Arnould | A Confessor at the time of Charlemagne d.800 |
St Arthème | Member of the court of Emperor Maximus (late 4th century) became bishop of Clermont Ferrand after a miraculous cure | |
600.0145 | St Athanasius | An Alexandrian theologian and Eastern Doctor of the church d.373 |
600.0146 | St Attale(a) | Burgundian saint-Abbot who died in Bobbio.627AD |
600.0149 | St Aubin | Eveque d' Angers; d.550? |
600.0150 | St Augustine | One of the 4 Fathers of the Church. d.430 at Hippo |
600.0152 | St Augustine of Canterbury | Sent to England by Gregory the Great in 597 where he became Archbishop at Canterbury |
600.0155 | St Aurelia | 4th century companion of St Ursula she died at Strasbourg where her tomb is |
600.0160 | St Austremoine | First bishop of Clermont Ferrand in late 3rd century |
600.0161 | St Austriclinien | A Limosin saint who was a 6th century companion of St Martial |
St Aventin | A legendary saint in the Pyrenees who healed a bear that became his follower; died at the hands of the Moors c.800 | |
600.0162 | St Avit | St Avit (de Vienne? Bishop who helped convert Clovis and died in 525) |
600.0170 | St Barbara | Legendary saint in 3rd century, beautiful and imprisoned in a tower (her symbol) by her father who was struck by lightening for ordering her death for her refusing to renounce her faith |
600.0175 | St Barlaam | A 3rd or 4th century hermitic saint |
600.0180 | St Barnabus | Companion of St Paul allegedly martyred in Cyprus |
600.0190 | St Bartholomew | One of the 12 Apostles; was allegedly flayed alive; he was said to have preached in India and Armenia. (Nathanael in St John's Gospel - 1:45 - is thought by some to be him) |
St Béate | A 3rd century saint of Spanish origin who was martyred at Sens | |
600.0200 | St Benedict (Benoit) | Influential patriarch of the Western monastic tradition: founded Montecassino in 529 and wrote his Rule there dying c.547 |
600.0202 | St Benoit de Nurcie | See St Benedict (Benoit) - Nurcie is present day Norcia in Umbria |
St Benedict XI | Pope in 1303 and died the following year; became a saint in 1736 as cures were alleged at his tomb | |
600.0206 | St Bernadin(e)(o) of Siena | A Franciscan preacher in Siena |
600.0220 | St Bernard | The most influential founder of the Cistercian Order who founded Claivaux; also known for his writings |
600.0225 | St Birinius | Bede called him a good and just man; came to England from Rome, of ?German origin, and died at Dorchester c.650 |
600.0230 | St Biulfus | A bishop of Strasbourg c.620 |
600.0235 | St Blaise | An Armenian saint who healed animals and people; his emblem is a wool comb. d.316 |
600.0245 | St Blandine(a) | A brave young Christian girl who was tortured and gored to death by a bull at Lyon c.177 |
600.0250 | St Bonaventura? | Bishop, cardinal, writer, theologian and follower of St Francis Died at Lyon in 1244. |
600.0260 | St Bonnet (Bonitus) | Bishop of Clermont Ferrand and younger brother of St Avit. He is said to have had an apparition of the Virgin Mary d.7104 |
600.0270 | St Bothin (Pothin(us)?) | First bishop of Lyon d.117AD |
St Botolph (Botwulf) | A holy and learned abbot from Thorney d.681. His name is the origin of Boston (in Lincolnshire and the USA - i.e. "Botwulf's town") | |
600.0280 | St Brice | The 4th bishop of Tours who succeeded St Martin d.444 |
600.0290 | St Brigit (Brigid / Bridget) | St Brigid of Kildare - legendary? Christianised Celtic goddess of the same name? |
600.0295 | St(?) Budic (or king? | A bishop of Dol |
600.0300 | St Calais | A local saint in the Sarthe? |
600.0303 | St Caletric | 6th century saint in Chartres? |
600.0306 | St Calloway | A Cornish saint? |
600.0320 | Ste Camille | She attended the last moments of St Germain d'Auxerre and accompanied the body when it was returned from Italy to France |
600.0330 | St Candide | A companion soldier of St Maurice in the Theban Legion, tortured for refusing to persecute Christians |
600.0335 | St Canute | St Canute - IV? Cnut? D.1086 |
600.0340 | St Caprais | First bishop of Agen martyred c. 270 |
600.0343 | St Carentan | (Did he exist? Or is it St Leon who came from Carentan?) |
600.0345 | St Castule | A 3rd century ?Roman saint who was buried alive for harbouring Christians in his house |
600.0350 | St Catherine | According to the legnd she was a young scholar who converted many people, argued with philosophers, was tortured on the wheel and finally beheaded in c.305AD |
600.0355 | St Catherine of Siena | Dominican 'tertiary' and a patron saint of Italy who helped unite the church after the Avignon separation d.1380 |
600.0360 | St Cecilia | Possibly legendary but is said to have lived in what is now her church at Trastevere in Rome. Patron saint of musicians- she "sang in her heart to the Lord" at her wedding. |
600.0365 | St Celeste | The second bishop of Metz around 300AD |
600.0370 | St Chad | A Northumbrian saint who became bishop of York and then Lichfield d.672 |
600.03705 | (St) Charlemagne | King of the Lombards and Holy Roman Emperor in 800AD. United much of Europe "The Father of Europe". Canonisation in 1165 to gain favour with Barbarossa was revoked in 1179, but is now "cultus confirmed" |
600.03707 | St Charles | See St Charles Borromeo |
600.03708 | St Charles Borromeo | Important Christian educationalist, cardinal and Bishop of Milan and played an important role at the Council of Trent. Died aged 46 in 1584 |
600.0371 | St Cheron | A saint who came from Rome and was supposedly martyred at Chartres (date unknown but he was canonised in 800) See his window at Chartres |
600.0374 | St Christine(a) | of Bolsena who allegedly died there in either 295 or in the fifth century. Her pagan father tortured her for not renouncing Christianity |
600.0380 | St Christopher | A martyr in Asia Minor in the 3rd century? The patron saint of travellers the legend says that he carried a traveller who turned out to be Chist across a river |
600.0385 | St Claire | of Assisi? A follower of St Francis d.1253. There are a number of St Claires (Clare, Claire, Clair, Clarus) |
600.0386 | St Clarus (Cleer) | An eighth century Cornish saint |
600.0385 | St Cler (St Clair?) | Saintly abbot of St Marcel in Vienne d.660 - or another who visited Cologne?? |
600.0387 | St Claude | A seventh century abbot who performed miracles and revived a child from death |
600.0390 | St Clement | Third successor to St Peter as pope; an Apostolic Father whose symbol was the anchor |
600.0393 | St Cleophas | One of Christ's 72 disciples. On the road to Emmaus. |
600.0400 | St Clothilde | A wife of King Clovis I who helped him convert to Christianity and helped him found the Merovingian dynasty |
see people search |
St Constantine | The first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity although he was baptised only on his deathbed. The Byzantine church first recognised him as a saint |
600.0403 | St Cornelius | A third century pope and martyr d.253 |
St Corona | Associated with the Roman soldier St Victor she was martyred with him in Syria in c.170 (or possibly later) | |
600.0410 | St Cosmas | and St Damian. Little is known about Cosmas and Damian; they became venerated from the fifth century - in some versions as brothers - as miracle curing doctors |
600.0420 | St Crepin (Crispin) | and Crepinion (Crispinion); ?Roman missionaries who became the patron saints of cobblers, tanners and leather workers; allegedly martyred in Soissons in 285/6 AD |
600.0436 | St Crescencia(-enzio) | Crescencia (Crescentia of Lucana) or St Crescenzio was a patron saint of Siena; she nursed St Vitus and was supposedly martyred by being boiled in oil in 303AD |
600.0433 | St Cornelius | Pope and martyr who rejected the Church's then teaching on Apostasy d. 253 |
600.0436 | St Crescenzio | See St Crescencia |
600.0440 | St Cuthbert | A Northumbrian - "child of God" (Bede) - who while tending sheep ad a vision; became a monk interested in nature; preaching and healing at Lindisfarne he died at Farne 687 |
600.0450 | St Cyprian | Bishop of Carthage famed for his goodness and writings. Martyred in 258 |
600.0455 | St Cyriac | A Roman nobleman who gave away his fortune and possessions. Maryred in the diocletian persecutions 303AD |
600.0460 | St Damian | See also St Cosmas |
600.0460 | St Demetrius | A warrior saint who preached Christ and died in Serbia c.304AD but his cult flourished in Salonica |
600.0460 | St Denis (Denys) | Dionysius of Paris. Missionary who became Patron saint of France d. c.258AD. He allegedly carried his head to his tomb at the now abbey of St Denis near Paris |
600.0460 | St Denis the Areopagite | Sometimes confused with Dionysius of Paris, he was identified with the Dionysius of Acts 17:34 and also with the fifth century mystical writer. |
600.0487 | St Didier (Desiderius) | Bishop of Langres in the 3rd or 4th century (confusion with Didier of Vienne) |
600.0488 | St Dié (Deodat) | A bishop in the ?7th century who later founded a hermitage at St Dié and then a monastery |
600.0490 | St Dominic | Founder of the Order of Preachers, a learned canon at Osma he tried to convert the Albigensians by reason as opposed to the Pope who used force.d,1221 |
600.0500 | St Domitien | a third century bishop of Châlons en Champagne |
600.0505 | St Domitille(a) | Flavia Domitilla was a grand-daughter of the Roman Emperor Vespasian and professed Christianity and was banished to an island. Died c.95AD |
600.0506 | St Domnole | bishop of le Mans with St Germain? |
600.0510 | St Donatien | 4th century bishop of Châlons en Champagne |
600.0520 | St Donatius IV | 8th bishop of Reims who died in 389AD; his emblem is a wheel with candles |
600.0525 | St Donato (Donat or Donatus) | Patron saint of Arezzo and Meissen. Educated with the future emperor Julian Apostate: Donat was said to have gone to heaven and Julian to hell d.362 |
600.0530 | St Dorothy (also aka Doris?) | Legendary saint ? Was supposed to have sent flowers from heaven to two apostate women after her death in 303AD |
600.0540 | St Dunstan | Revived monasticism in England from Glastonbury, founding abbey at Westminster, Bath, Exeter, Malmsbury et al. Became archbishop of Canterbury d.988 |
600.0545 | St Edme (Edmund of Abingdon) | Scholar, teacher and Archbishop of Canterbury; disputed with Henry III over Papal bulls; emigrated at instigation of St Louis and retired to Pontigny abbey d.1240 |
600.0550 | St Edmund | King and martyr who refused to give up his Christian kingdom; is said to have been shot with arows while tied to a tree in 869AD |
600.0560 | St Edward the Confessor | A supposedly peace-loving king provoked by Earl Godwin, yet as allegedly devoted to the poor and infirm some of whom were cured by his touch. Died 1066 canonised 1161 |
St Egbert | Archbishop of York d.766 | |
600.0570 | St Egwin | Benedictine monk and then third bishop of Worcester d.717AD |
600.0580 | St Eleutherius | Saints Denis, Rusticus and Eleutherius were missionaries in Gaul who were all martyred in 258 |
600.0590 | St Eliphe (Elophe) | A Lorraine saint martyred in 362 for resisting emperor Julian's re-establishment of idols. |
600.0600 | St Elizabeth | Mother of St John the Baptist and relative of the Virgin Mary |
600.0605 | St Elisabeth of Hungary | daughter of king Andrew II she renounced the world and devoted herself to the poor |
600.0610 | St Eloi (Eligius) | Originally a metalworker/engraver and founded a monastery and convent. Becam bishop of Noyon & Tournai in 641 |
600.0620 | St Erasmus (Elmo) | A bishop in Syria martyred c.303. A patron saint of sailors |
600.0625 | St Erkenwald | A saxon bishop who founded moansteries. d.693; brother of St Ethelburga |
600.0630 | St Ethelbert | The king who welcomed Augustine to Canterbury and encouraged missionaries |
600.0630 | St Etheldreda | A daughter of King Anna of East Anglia she founded the monastery at Ely which became a shrine (on the site of the cathedral) |
600.06405 | St Eufemie (Euphémie) | A young female martyr from Chalcedony near Constatinople at who tomb miracles were said to have occurred d. aged 19 in 305AD |
600.0641 | St Eugene | Probably an early Roman martyr but popular legends accumulated that she pretended to be male and became an abbot of a monastery in Egypt |
600.0642 | St Eugenie (a) | Daughter of Philip governor of Alexandria she diguised as a male for many years and became an abbot! d.258AD |
600.0645 | St Eusebius (Pope) | Bishop of Rome and pope (for only 4 months) was banished by Maxentius to Sicily where he died in 310 |
600.0650 | St Eustac(h)e | Probabla a legendary saint: a general under Trajan (called Placidus) he became Eustace when he saw Christ Crucified between the antlers of a stag (cf St Hubert). Roasted alive with his family |
600.0660 | St Eutrope (Eutropius) | A Roman or Persian who may have joined St Denis in evangelising in France; became bishop of Saintes. died,c.250 |
St Evode | A bishop of Rouen in the 6th century | |
600.0670 | St Evrost (Evrou) | From Beauvais where he performed miracles and founded religious houses and died c.600AD |
600.0680 | St Exupery | An early 5th century bishop of Toulouse |
600.06805 | St Faith | Either an early 4th century saint at Agen (cult centred at St Foy at Conques) or the legendary partner of Ss Hope and Charity martyred in Hadrian's Rome c.130AD |
600.0681 | St Faron | Bishop of Meaux d.669 |
600.0682 | St Felicité | A Roman mother of 7 sons who all refused pagan worship (cf St Symphorosa) martyred c.165AD |
600.0683 | St Felix (?) | Bishop of Dunwich d.648 |
600.0684 | St Fiacre | A seventh century Irish hermit who founded a men-only hostel near Meaux. Patron saint of gardeners |
600.0685 | St Filleul (Flavius) | A sixth century bishop of Rouen who founded the forerunner of St Ouen |
600.0686 | St Firmin | Originally from Spain (Pamplona) he was ordained in Toulouse and became bishop of Amiens where he died in 303 AD |
600.0695 | St Florent(ius) | A hermit-evangelist from Poitiers in the 5th or 6th century who spent time on the Ile d'Yeu |
600.0695 | St Florentius | Irish bishop of Strasbourg in the late 7th century |
600.0695 | St Florentin (1) | A 7th century monk who was the son of a Scottish king who settled in the Meuse at Bonnet near Verdun. He looked after pigs and performed miracles |
600.0695 | St Florentin (2) | Martyred by Crocus the Vamdal king in 406AD - [see the window w1 in St Florentin] |
600.0697 | St Foy | See St Faith |
600.0700 | St Francis | Disinherited by his father he founded the Lesser Brothers in 1210 and preached simplicity. Received the stigmata in 1224 and died 2 years later |
600.0705 | St Francoise d'Amboise | A duchess consort of Brittany who helped the poor and sick; founded the first Carmelite monastery in 1463. d.1485 |
600.0707 | St Frideswide | Patron saint of Oxford. A ?princess who founded a nunery at Oxford d. 735 |
600.0708 | St Fridolin | A 6th or 7th century Irish saint who built a church at Poitiers for St Hilarius and founded Sackingen abbey |
600.0709 | St Frobert | From Troyes he performed miracles and founded the monastery of Montier la Celle at St Andre les Vergers at Troyes d.673AD |
St Gall | Irish monk who with St Columban evangeised Europe and founded the monastery near Lake Constance; died c.640AD | |
600.0710 | St Garonius (Garoin?) | 12th bishop of Strasbourg |
600.0720 | St Gatien | The first bishop of Tours c.250AD |
600.0730 | St Gaud | Bishop of Evreux; evangeliser and builder of churches d.480AD |
600.0730 | St Gaudo | A bishop of Strasbourg (briefly?) before 728AD |
600.0733 | St Geneve (Génevée) | A bishop of Dol |
600.0734 | St Genevieve | A girl found by St Gemain and lived in Pariswhen it was being harrased by the huns. She did good works died c.500AD |
600.0736 | St Gengoult | Patron saint of cuckold husbands (!) poplar in Toul where a splendid church is dedicated to him |
600.0740 | St George | Popular soldier saint in the early church (3rd to 4th century) about whom little is actually known. Legends abound |
600.0745 | St Gérard | Bishop of Toul d.994 (his mother was struck by lightening which reinforced his religious faith) |
600.0750 | St Germain of Auxerre | a.k.a. Germanus. An active and effective bishop of Auxerre who fought Pelagiansm and visited Britain. Died in Ravenna in 448AD |
600.0780 | St Germer | A Benedictine abbot who founded St-Germer-de-Fly in the 7th century under the guidance of St Ouen of Rouen |
600.0770 | St Germerius (Germanus?) | A bishop of Toulouse befriended by Clovis. d. 560AD |
600.0790 | St Gervais | With his companion martyr St Protais little is known about these popular saints; their bodies were discovered in Milan in 386 |
600.0800 | St Gilduin | A canon at Dol who refused a bishopric; d.1077 |
600.0810 | St Giles (Gilles) | A popular medieval saint from Greece who became a hermit living near Arles; allegedly accidently wounded by the hunting Visigoth king. Founded the abbey St Gilles du Gard; d.710 |
St Godard (Gildardus) | A bishop of Rouen who died 525AD | |
600.0825 | St Godegrande | A bishop of Sees who was martyred - by a jealous relative? - on his return from a pilgrimage to Rome in 775AD. Brother of St Opportune |
St Goery (Goericus) | A bishop of Metz, friend of Dagobert I; d.643AD | |
600.0827 | St Gond(e) | A monk from Verdun who founded abbeys in Normandy; died c.690AD |
600.0830 | St Gregory the Great | Of wealthy origin he became a pope as ell as a great stateman; one of the four doctors of the Church; d.604 |
St Grimoldus (Grimalt) | A bishop of Strasbourg | |
St Gudule(a) | A saint from Brabant she is a patron saint of Brussels; died c.700AD | |
600.0840 | St Guillaume | There are a number of saint G's in the 8th and 9th century |
600.0840 | St Guillaume d'Aquitaine | A nobleman-warrior - Guillaume de Gellone - who founded the abbey of Gellone and was made a saint - St Guilhem - in 1066, 250 years after his death in c.815 |
600.0840 | St Guillaume de Malavalle | A contemplative hermit who died in 1157 |
600.0845 | St Hadouin | A bishop of Le Mans who founded monasteries and settled disputes between Franks and Bretons; d.654AD |
St Haon | ? | |
600.0850 | St Helen | Mother of Constantine who did good works in the Holy Land and allegedly found pieces of The Cross; d.330 (apx.) |
600.0851 | St Henry (of Bamberg) | Holy Roman emperor Henry II. His wife was (St?) Cunegunda. He founded Bamberg monastery and cathedral and died in 1024 |
600.0853 | St Henric | see St Henry (of Bamberg) |
600.0860 | St Hilaire | Hilary of Poitiers: opponent of Arianism and scholar. Became bishop of Poiters in 350 and died in 367 |
600.0857 | St Hermolaus | A ?bishop in the church of Nicomedia who convinced St Pantaleon back to the church at the end of the third century |
St Hervé | A blind Breton saint who was good with animals; cured a wolf who he then used to help ploughing; d.556AD | |
600.0860 | St Hilary of Poitiers | See St Hilaire |
600.0863 | St Hippolyte | Theologian and martyr in Rome but of Greek origin; refuted Gnostic heresies and errant popes alike; died in Sardinia c.235AD |
600.0865 | St Honoré | 8th bishop of Amiens he is the patron saint of bakers and of Picardy. The street in Paris named after him; d.600 |
600.0870 | St Hubert | As with eustache he saw a crucifix between the antlers of a stag. Become a bishop and is the paron aint of hunters; d. 727AD |
600.0880 | St Hugh | A monk and then a brave and energetic bishop of Lincoln; he came from Avalon; founded the carthusian monastery Charterhouse; d.1200 |
St Hyacinth | A number of saints with the name - either H. of Caesarea or H. of Poland, or H. and Protus | |
600.0885 | St Idda (Ita) | An ?Irish abbess with a particular interest in education; died c.570 |
600.0890 | St Innocent | Pope Innocent I who condemned Pelagianism; d.417 |
600.0885 | St Ignatius of Antioch | One of the early Apostolic Fathers whose correspondence throws light on the organisation of the early Church; d.107AD |
600.0907 | St Irène | Widow of the martyr St Castulus Irene rescued the arrow filled body of St Sebastian and found he was not dead. She died in 288AD |
600.0910 | St Isabelle | Sister of St Louis of France who refused marriage, ministered to the poor and sick and founded the Franciscan monastery at Longchamps; d.1270 |
600.0920 | St James Gt | Apostle and brother of St John. His shrine is at Compostello; d. 44AD |
600.0930 | St James Less | The Apostle said by some to be Christ's brother, but Alphaeus is more usually seen as his father. Martyred at Jerusalem in 62AD |
600.0950 | St Jerome | Biblical scholar and Doctor of the Church; died at Betlehem in 420AD |
St Joan of Arc | The Maid of Orleans who routed the English and died at the stake in Rouen in 1431 | |
600.0960 | St John | The young 'beloved' Apostle who was believed to have written St John's Gospel. A series of legends became attached to him and can be seen in stained glass. Died at Ephesus c.100AD? |
600.09701 | St John of Beverley | Learned bishop of Hexham and York ho retired t Beverley where he died in 721 |
600.0971 | St John of Bridlington | A canon who became prior of the Austin canons. Miracle were alleged at his tomb; d.1379 |
600.0972 | St John of Damascus | theologian and hymn writer d.749 |
600.0976 | St John Dominici | A prelate member of the Order of Preachers who influenced Fra Angelico d.1419 |
600.0980 | St John the Baptist | Cousin of Jesus who baptised him; executed c.29AD |
600.0990 | St Joseph | The husband of theVirgin Mary |
600.0991 | St Joseph Arimathea | Obtained Jesus' body after the Crucifixion and arranged for the tomb |
600.0992 | St Judas Iscariot | A saint? Portrayed with a halo in St Pere de Chartres |
600.1000 | St Jude | The Apostle aka Thaddeus; Epistle writer? martyred with St Simon in Persia |
600.1005 | Ste Jule | A 3rd century female saint (fromTroyes? After whom a street is names) with emperors Claudius II and Aurelian? |
600.1015 | St Julias | |
600.1007 | St Julius (Jules) | Pope Julius I who denonced th Arian bishops - and set Dec 25 as the Nativity date; d.352 |
600.1010 | St Julian (Julien) | First bishop of Le Mans d.348 |
600.1020 | St Julien Hospitalier | A popular saint whose legendary life is recounted in the Golden Legend. See Chartres w.21 and Rouen w.23 |
600.1021 | St Julien of Brioude (Julien) | A Roman soldier from Vienne who converted to Christianity and was martyred at Brioude in the Auverne; d.304 |
600.1024 | St Juliana | of Nicomedia; patron saint of sickness; legend recounts she refused marriage professing Christianity; martyred under Diocletian in 304 |
600.1030 | St Just (1) | With St Pastor, Just was a boy martyred under Diocletian in 304. Narbonne cathedral is dedicated to him. He is buried in Alcalá de Henares near Madrid |
600.1030 | St Just (2) | Similarities to St Just (1); legend recounts a boy martyred under Diocletian in the Beauvais area c.278 |
600.1035 | St Lambert | of Maastrict; a mssionary martyred at Liege in 705 - he may have accused the local mayor of adultery who may have been responsible |
600.1037 | St Landulfe (Laudulphe) | A bishop of Evreux who allegedly discovered the tomb/relics of St Taurin; d.618? |
600.1050 | St Latuin | First bishop of Sées in the fifth century |
600.1065 | St Laud | see St Lô |
600.1065 | St Lô (Laud) | Bishop of Coutances present at the councils d'Orléans; d.565? |
600.1070 | St Laumer | A monk from Orleans who came to Chartres and performed miracles; d.593 |
600.1080 | St Lawrence (Laurence) | A popular saint who was a Roman martyr allegedly roasted alive and martyred with St Sixtus in 258 |
St Lié | From Orleans (like Laumer) and studied at the abbey of St Micy-St-Mesmin; d. 533 | |
600.1085 | St Lazare (Lazarus) | The brother of Mary and Martha who Jesus raised from the dead |
600.1095 | St Leger | Bishop of Autun who suffered at the hands of its mayor whose followers mutilated it; d.679 |
St Legonce | A bishop of Metz in the first half of the fifth century | |
600.1100 | St Leonard | A supposed French noble in the 5th/6th century who persuaded Clovis I to let him liberate prisoners; now their patron saint; d.559 |
600.1101 | St Leonard de Noblac | See St Leonard |
600.1099 | St Leopold | St Leopold III (Leopold Margrave) of Austria (d.1136) |
600.1102 | St Leucher(us) | The 4th bishop of Dol at the end of the 6th century |
600.11005 | St Leufroy | d'Evreux: a disciple of St Saint Saens; d.738 |
St Lobiolus | A bishop of Strasbourg c.700AD | |
600.1106 | St Lorenzo | See St Lawrence |
600.1110 | St Louis | King Louis IX of France; founded the Sainte Chapelle; died in the Holy Land 1270 |
600.11107 | St Louis Bertrand | A Dominican friar from Valencia, Spain; central American missionary in the 16th century d.1581 |
600.11109 | St Louis of Toulouse | Nephew of St Louis he became Archbishop of Lyon and then Bishop of Toulouse; died in 1297 of fever aged 23 at Brignoles where he was born; |
600.1111 | St Loup (Lupus) | A monk who became bishop of Troyes and travelled to England with St Germain d'Auxerre; d.479 |
600.1125 | St Lubin (Leobinus) | Bishop of Chartres; see w45 at Chartres for the legend of his life; d.557 |
600.1130 | St Lucien de Beauvais | The first bishop of Beauvais, martyred in the Dioclesian persecutions. d.290 |
600.1135 | St Lucine | A third century Roman woman who helped bury the body of St Sebastian and other saints after their martyrdom |
600.1140 | St Lucy | A Sicilian martyr in the Diocletian persecutions; she became a kind of patron saint of the eyes and vision (both visual and spiritual - see Dante) |
St Ludovic | See St Louis | |
600.1150 | St Luke | Evangelist and author of the Acts of the Apostles called a physician by St Paul; also the patron saint of artists and painted a portrait of the Virgin Mary? |
600.1152 | St Lyé (Lié) | 2nd abbot of Mantenay where a chateau was also built to help protect Troyes; d.545 |
600.1155 | St Mabena | St Mabyn; a Cornish hermit said to have been a daughter of Brychan, a fifth century king in Wales; |
St Maclou | alias St Malo; originally from Glamorgan in Wales and was ont of the legendary 'Sept Saints fondateurs de la Bretagne' from Wales and Cornwall in the 5th and 6th centuries | |
600.1160 | St Magloire | Like St Maclou came from Wales and became Bishop of Dol; d.575 |
600.1170 | St Magnance | Like St Camille (qv) she attended the transfer of the body of St Germain from Ravenna to Auxerre but died en route in 448 |
600.1180 | St Magnus | (Magnus Erlingsson) ie a son of Erling, ruler of Orkneys, killed by a cousin when reclaiming Orkneys after the death of the Norwegian invader Magnus Barefoot d.1116 |
600.1190 | St Malard (Malehard) | A bishop of Chartres died c.650 |
600.1195 | St Mammes | of Caesarea; a 15 year old martyr who was tortured and thrown to the lions but tamed them, being finally killed by a trident in c.275 |
St Manacus of Lanreath | (Manac or Manakne) Little known about him but said to have been buried at Lanreath near St Neot (qv window n.6). First referred to in the 15th century but is clearly much earlier. | |
600.1201 | St Marceau | A bishop --- ? |
600.1200 | St Marcel | Ninth bishop of Paris d.436 |
St Marcellin | The 29th bishop of Rome (Pope) died in the Diocletain persecutios in 304 | |
600.1211 | St Marcellus | Pope for only a year; banished for imposing too severe penances; d.309 |
600.1212 | St Marcouf | A sixth century Norman saint saint to have cured scrofulous (TB) by his touch |
600.1213 | St Marcus | A number of saints with this name; at Strasbourg he was a warrior saint |
600.1220 | St Margaret | A popular medieval saint but probably legendary; from Antioch? and martyred for refusing the prefect Olybrius' advances; Diocletian age |
St Marine(a) | de Bithynie (by the Bosphorus north of Phrygia). Disguised as a boy she entered a monastery (and was accused of seducing a girl??/or had a child?) d.750 | |
600.1230 | St Mark | Evangelist and youthful Apostle; with StPaul in Rome then went to Alexandria |
600.1235 | St Martha | Sister of Lazarus and of Mary of Bethany (St John 12.1) |
600.1240 | St Martial | Sent by St Denis he evangelised Aquitaine; medieval legend said he was a secret disciple of Christ; 1st bishop of Limoges in the 3rd century |
600.1250 | St Martin | of Tours; a soldier's son born in Hungary; at Amiens he gave half of his cloak to a beggar after which he was baptised; active missionary d. 397 |
600.1260 | St Mary Magdalene | Follower of Christ and the first at the Resurrection |
600.1270 | St Mary the Egyptian | A fifth century harlot in Alexandria who converted and became a solitary - see Bourges window w.21 |
600.1275 | St Mary Cleop(h)as | The wife of Cleophas (John 19.25) and ?mother of James the Less; present at the Resurrection |
600.1276 | St Mary Salome | Wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John? At the Resurrection with M. Magdalene and M. Jacob |
600.1277 | St Mary Jacob(i) | Half sister of the Virgin? And sister of Mary Salome? |
600.1278 | St Mathie | A late second century female saint from Troyes |
600.1280 | St Matthew (Mathis) | Apostle and tax collector to whom is attributed the Gospel with that name |
600.1290 | St Matthias (St Mathias) | Apostle that fillled Judas' place among the 12 |
600.1295 | St Mathurin | Son of a father who was exterminating Christians Mathurin was secretly baptised; exorcised Theodora (daughter in law of Emperor Maximien) d.300 Relics in Larchant near Fontainbleau |
600.1300 | St Maur (Maurus) | First Benedictine in Gaul, sent by Benedict; founded Glanfeuil abbey at St Maur-sur-Loire; d.584 |
600.1310 | St Maurice | Roman leader of the Theban legion, all Christian, who refused to kill pagans; all martyred by Maximian in c.287 at St Maurice in Swizerland |
600.1320 | St Maurille | A bishop of Angers. Born in Milan he became a follower of St Martin de Tours; d.453 |
600.1330 | St Maxence | A Christian Irish princess who was assassinated at Pont St Maxence on the Oise in the late 5th century |
600.1340 | St Maxien | Colleague of St Lucien at Beauvais; died c.300 |
600.1350 | St Maximin | Legend says he was one of the 72 who went to France with Mary Magdalene and settled in Provence; his tomb is in St Maximin at Aix. |
St Médard(us) | Bishop of Noyon, whose father was at the court of Childeric he was given to good works; d.545 | |
600.1351 | St Mellon | de Rouen where he was allegedly a bishop. Resuscitated a man who fell off the roof - a miracle that made him famous; d.312 |
600.1352 | St Memmie | The first bishop of Châlons en Champagne in the third century |
600.1355 | St Mewbred | Son of an Irish king who became a hermit; died sixth century |
600.1360 | St Michael | Archangel present at the Last Judgement |
600.1361 | St Minias (Miniato) | Originally an Armenian king? Went to Rome and became a hermit and the first Florentine martyr; c.250? |
600.1365 | St Modest | Legendary daughter of the Roman governor Quirinius in the ?2nd century who visited the imprisoned Saint Potentien at Chartres. Quirinius allegedly massacred them all. |
600.1367 | St Monique | Mother of St Augustine of Hippo; d.387 |
600.1370 | St Narcissus | Patriarch of Jerusaem who died in 216 aged 116. (Or Narcissus of Athens, one of the 70 - Luke 10 - who assisted St Anthony?) |
600.1375 | St Neot | A monk of Glastonbury or a Cornish hermit? Or both? If the latter he died c.870; visited by King Alfred? |
600.1376 | St Nicaise | A bishop of Reims who founded the first cathedral; d.407 (or 451, massacred by the Vandals) |
600.13777 | St Nicerarde | A bishop (nothing else known) portrayed at Niederhaslach |
600.1380 | St Nicholas of Bari | See St Nicholas of Myra |
600.1380 | St Nicholas | of Myra where he was a bishop in the 4th century. Many legendary miracles attributed to this popular saint. Patron saint of children - hence Santa Claus |
600.1390 | St Nizier | A bishop of Lyon who founded a hospice for the poor and travellers there; an exorcist; d.573 |
600.1392 | St Odile | Patron saint of Alsace; founded a monastery at Hohenbourg and was its first abbess; blind at birth her father tried to kill her; regained sight on baptism; died c.720 |
St Olivier | ? A saint from Ancona in Italy; died c.1050. Little known about him. (Another St Olivier called Plunket who was archbishop in Ireland; d.1681) | |
600.1394 | St Omer | Bishop of Therouanne (now demolished) near St Omer; founded a monastery at St Omer (named after him) |
600.1395 | St Opportune | Her brother Godegrand, bishop of Sees, welcomed her to Almeneches abbey; she was abbess of Argenton; she died in 770 |
St Osith (Osgyth) | Grandaughter of the pagan Penda of Mercia she left her husband became a nun and founded a nunery at Chich, now named St Osyth after her; died c.700 | |
600.1397 | St Oswald | Northumbrian king who became Christian after being exiled to Iona. He appointed missionaries but was killed in battle by Penda (see St Osith) in 642 |
St Otbertus | Portrayed as a bishop in Strasbourg cathedral ; aka St Hubert? | |
600.1399 | St Ouen | Was a court official until the age of 40; then at 41 became bishop of Rouen but was still embroiled with politics; d.684 |
600.1400 | St Pantaleon | A medical missionary / healer and Diocletian era martyr of Nicomedia in Bithynia; d.304 |
St Pacome | Pacomius the Great: founder of Cenobitic (ie community based) monasticism; d.348 | |
600.1403 | St Pasteur | Along with St Just they were schoolboy saints (9 and 13) from Spain and died in the Diocletian persecutions; c.304AD |
St Paterne | A hermit who became bishop of Avranches; counsellor to Childebert and performed healing miracles; d.565 | |
600.1404 | St Patient | A bishop of Metz probably in the fourth century although a medieval forgery tried to prove he knew St John and died c.150AD |
600.1405 | St Patrick | Enslaved by raiders and carried initilly from England to Ireland he bcame the great evangelizer and patron saint of Ireland; d.461 |
600.1410 | St Paul | Initially a persecuter of Christians in c.36AD he converted and became an apostle and a major propagator of Christianity; died in Rome c.67AD |
600.1420 | St Paul Anchorite | or Paul of Thebes the first Christian hermit and was allegedly visited St Anthony; |
St Paule(a) | of Rome, 'Desert Mother'; a wealthy Roman and mother of 4 became a Christian traveller and founded a monastery at Bethlehem where she died c.404AD | |
600.1430 | St Paulinus | A missionary bishop of York originally from Rome; activities recounted by Bede; died at Rochester in 644 |
600.1435 | St Pavace | Third bishop of Le Mans (for 43 years) in the 4th century succeeding St Julien and allegedly performed a number of miracles; died c.391? |
St Pélagie | Pelagia of Antioch; legend says she was a reformed harlot called Margarita who became a hermit; the Church Fathers said a virgin martyr hermit; 4th/5th century | |
600.1450 | St Peter | The Apostle chosen to lead the Church; died in Rome with St Paul c.64AD |
600.1460 | St Peter Damian | Theologian, bishop and reformer from Ravenna; also wrote hymns; d.1072 |
600.1465 | St Peter Martyr | A.k.a. St P. of Verona; Dominican friar and preacher against heresy, assassinated in Como in 1252 |
St Petronella | A virgin martyr who probably died in the 3rd century although there is a remote possibility of the 1st century | |
600.1470 | St Philibert | Contemporary of St Ouen and abbot of Rebais and then of Jumieges and also founding Noirmoutier; died 684: his remains are now at Tournus |
600.1480 | St Philip | Apostle from Bethsaida who brought Nathaniel (?Bartholomew) to Jesus. Went to Phrygia and died in ?Hierapolis in?80AD |
600.1490 | St Piat | From Benvenuto in 4th century he preached unsuccessfully in Chartres and went to Tournai. After converting 30,000 he died and his body was returned to Chartres |
St Pinose | "Pianosa" on the halo of the figure at Strasbourg - no further information | |
St Pius V | Dominican pope who died in 1572 | |
600.14955 | St Placidus | A disciple of St Benedict and went with him to Monte Cassino; di.541AD |
600.1496 | St Polycarp(e) | He was said by Irenaeus of Lyon to have known St John; spread the word in Asia Minor and died c.155 |
600.14965 | St Portien (Pourçain) | Originally a slave he was freed and sought the liberty of other Auvergnats slaves; 6th century |
St Posia | (A female saint in w204 Strasbourg cathedral; no information) | |
600.1500 | St Potentien (ius) | The second bishop of Sens succeeding St Savinien; he became a martyr in the 3rd century |
St Pretextat | Bishop of Rouen who came into conflict with the Merovingians over consanguinity and their marriage intentions and was assassinated in 586 | |
St Prisca | An early martyr of the Roman church; confusion over who is who with the virgin martyrs Priscilla, Martina and Tatiana, ie second or third century | |
600.1510 | St Privat | Bishop of Mende who came into conflict with the Alaman (German?) chief Chrocus (see window in Clermont Ferrand); died c.257 |
600.1515 | St Prosper | Born in Aquitaine he was a disciple of St Augustine; theologian and writer he died in Rome in 455 |
600.1520 | St Protais (Proteus) | Gervais and Protais are the patron saints of Milan, said to be the twin sons of St Vital of Ravenna; martyred under Nero in ?57AD |
600.1525 | St Psalmet | A hermit in the Limousin region originally from Scotland or Ireland; 6th or 7th century. He is said to have recited all 150 psalms every day |
600.1530 | St Quentin | Quentin of Amiens was of Roman origin(?). Little known about him excpet he performed miracles and preached until he was martyred in c.287 |
600.1535 | St Quirin(us) | A Roman tribune who converted to Christianity and was martyred in 116AD. His cult centered in Neuss in German |
600.1540 | St Radegonde | Originally a Thuringian princess she became one of Clotaire I's 6 wives but fled when he murdered her brother; performed good works; d.587 |
St Radolus | (A saint in w209 Strasbourg cathedral; no information) | |
600.1545 | St Raymond de Penyafort | (or Pennefort) A Spanish Dominican who did much to compile canon laws; d.1275 |
600.1546 | St Reine (Regina) | A third century virgin martyr from Autun: she refused proconsul Olybrius' advances for which she was beheaded at Alesia |
600.1547 600.1550 |
St Remi (Remegius) | Bishop of Reims who baptised Clovis I whom he converted; d.533 |
600.1560 | St René (Renatus) | de Angers: he died as a child but was resusitated by Maurilius; he succeeded Maurilius as bishop of Angers in the 5th century |
600.1565 | St Réparate (Reparata) | A 3rd century virgin martyr from Caesarea who survived a number of tortures; became popular in the Middle Ages - Nice cathedral with the "Bay of Angels" is named after her |
600.1570 | St Richard of Chichester | An ascetic learned priest who became bishop of Lyon and then Chichester; at conflict with Henry III; d.1253 |
600.1577 | St Robert | de Molesme, founded Citeaux with Stephen Harding and Alberic but returned to Molesme the following year where he died in 1111 |
600.1579 | St Robert Knaresborough | A Yorkshire hermit who lived in a cave looking after the poor and destitute; he also had way with animals; d.1218 |
600.1580 | St Roch(e) or Rock | A 14th century native of Montpellier who allegedly healed plague victims, first in Italy en route to Rome then elsewhere; portrayed with his companion dog |
600.1590 | St Romanus (Romain(e)) | of Rouen; a scribe who became bishop and performed a number of legendary miracles; died c.640 |
St Romphaire | Ordained by St Lo he was a curate at Barfleur and succeeded St Lo as bishop of Coutances c.566 | |
600.1601 600.1593 |
St Rose | ? Rose de Rozoy? d.1130 |
St Rotharius (Rothaire) | An ex-military man who was bishop at Strasbourg 660-677 | |
600.1607 | St Rufe (Ruf) | A bishop of Metz in the fourth century |
600.1609 | St Rustique (Rusticus) | A companion of St Denis who was martyred with him and St Eleutherius at the end of the 3rd century |
600.161 | St Samson | A British abbot and bishop who established a monastery at Dol in Brittanny; miraculous deeds attributed to hm; died c.565 |
600.1613 | St Saturnin (Sernin) | Sent by Pope Fabian to Christianise Gaul in c.255 and became the first bishop of Toulouse; said to have been dragged round the town feet first tied to a bull; d.257 |
600.1614 | St Sauveur | Christ with the Host |
600.1615 | St Savino | A patron saint of Siena; |
600.1617 | St Savine | Sister of St Savinien; d.313 |
600.162 | St Savinien | of Sens; companion of St Potentien (q.v.) sent from Rome to Christianise Gaul; 3rd century |
St Scholastique | Sister (twin?) of St Benedict (of Norcia) founded a nunery within the rule of St Benedict; died c.543 | |
600.163 | St Sebastian | First mentioned by Ambrose of Milan who aid he was martyred first by arrows but rescued by St Irene; finally killed in Diocletian persecutions c.288 |
600.1635 | St Seratin | Martyrised with Savinien, Potentian in the third century |
600.1642 | St Serene | A Christian gardener in Pannonie (now Hungary) denounced and decapitated after refusing a woman's advances; d.307 |
600.1645 | St Sernin (Saturnin) | see above |
600.1650 | St Sever (1) | (there are 9 St Severs before 600!) S. of Rouen was a bishop who died c.371 |
600.1650 | St Sever (2) | (pronounced Sevé) A Vandal (or Goth?) who converted and then converted others; d.407. The abbey in the Landes named after him? |
600.1650 | St Sévère | A female saint in a 13th century window in Strasbourg - Sainte Sévère, an abbess at Boischaut-Sud (Cher); died c.680 |
600.1655 | St Séverin | A hermit who lived on the banks of the Seine; died .c.540. The church in Paris is named after him |
600.1657 | St Sidwell | A ?6th century saint from ?Devon, symbol the sythe with which she was beheaded. 6th century? |
600.1658 | St Silas | Accompanied St Paul and Barnabus on their travels, c.50AD |
600.1740 | St Silvester (Sylvester) | Pope Sylvester I about whom little is known; St John Lateran and St Peter's churches in Rome founded in his time; d.335 |
St Siméon | A bishop of Metz and 'archi-chapelin' at the court of Charlemagne; died c.494 | |
600.1670 | St Simon | Apostle (the Zealot) about whom little is known; preached and martyred in Persia (with St Jude?) |
600.1671 | St Simon of Cyrene | Helped Christ carry the cross on the Via Crucis |
600.1675 | St Siricius | Church administrator and pope d.399 |
600.1680 | St Sitha (Zita) | A domestic servant of italian origin; abused and overworked she nevertheless loved her employers; patron saint of lost things, particularly keys; died in 1272 |
600.1685 | St Sixtus (II?) | Bishop of Rome and martyred by Valerian in 258 |
600.1685 | St Sixtus and Sinicius | Pope Sixtus II sent Sixtus (very confusing!) and Sinicius to Gaul establishing the church at Reims; d.258 |
600.1700 | St Solarius | 5th bishop of Strasbourg c.550 |
600.1710 | St Solennis (Solemnis) | Bishop of Chartres from c.490; brother of St Aventinis of Chartres; |
St Sôter(e) | 12th pope: during the time of emperor Marcus Aurelius; d.174/175 | |
600.1720 | St Stephen | Ist Christian martyr: a 'zealous preacher and performer of miracles'; stoned to death c.35 |
600.1720 | St Stephen's relics | see above |
600.1740 | St Sulpice | Bishop of Bourges and chaplain to Clotair II but lived in poverty and austerity; d.647 |
600.1740 | St Sulpice-Sévère | A lawyer from a rich family became an ascetic and a disciple of St Martin de Tours of whom he wrote a hagiography; died c.420 |
600.1741 | St Suzanne | A third century Roman martyr who refused to marry Maximien, son of Diocletian and was executed |
600.1742 | St Swithin | Little is known about this counsellor to Wessex kings; he became bishop of Winchester; d.862 |
600.1750 | St Symphorian of Autun | Beheaded in the reign of Marcus Aurelius for not worshipping the goddess Cybele. d.178 |
600.1745 | St Syre | de Troyes? Blind she found the tomb of St Savinien and erected a church there in the 4th or 5th century |
600.1751 | St Taurin(us) | First bishop of Evreux; difficult to differentiate between legend and fact but he was said to have performed miracles; died c.410 |
600.1760 | St Thaddeus | see St Jude |
600.1771 | St Theodore | A confusion of two Theodores (of Amasea or of Stratelates): legend says he was a Roman soldier who fired a temple of Cybele and refused pagan worship; d.306 or 319 |
600.1777 | St Thecle | A companion of St Paul according to apocryphal sources with elaborate stories; advocated virginity and survived many tortures; died old age c.100AD? |
600.1780 | St Thibault (Theobald?) | de Marley: military grandson of Louis VI (?) converted and became a monk at Vaux-de-Cernay and then abbot; d.1247 |
600.1780 | St Thiébaut (Theobald?) | Paton saint of Thann. A 11th century military man who converted to Christianity and became a pilgrim to Compostello; died age 27? |
600.1790 | St Thomas | Apostle who had doubts about the Resurrection; took the Gospel to India? |
600.1795 | St Thomas Aquinas | Theologian and doctor of the medieval church; studied with the Benedictines at Monte Cssino and with Albertus Magnus; d. 1247 |
600.1797 | St Thomas of Hereford | (T. Cantilupe) Bishop of Hereford to whom miracles were accorded; disputed with Archbishop of Canterbury; d. 1282 |
600.1800 | St Thomas Becket | Famous friend of Henry II with whom he came into conflct after his appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162; martyred in 1170 |
600.1810 | St Thurian | A bishop of Dol 733-749 who had been adopted by his predecessor; he became of the 12 Brittany saints |
600.1820 | St Thuribe | A 4th century bishop of Le Mans and successor of St Julien; a miraculous fountain appeared at his behest at Assé-le-Bérenger |
600.1821 | St Timothy | Converted by St Paul (see his letters) and charged by him to look after Christians in Ephesus; d.97AD? |
600.1824 | St Tugdale | 6th century English monk who founded the monastery of Trébadu in Finistere, Brittany |
600.1827 | St Turiaf (Turiau) | See Thurian |
600.1835 | St Urbice | A bishop of Metz |
600.1830 | St Urbain I (Urban?) | Pope who succeeded Calixtus; d.230 |
600.1850 | St Ursin(us) | The first bishop of Bourges; died c.300 |
600.1860 | St Ursula | 3rd century daughter of a British king involved in an unwanted marriage who was killed with her followers (11,000 virgins) at Cologne |
St Uto | A bishop of Strasbourg (there were 3 with the name Uto before the year 1000) | |
600.1865 | St Vaast | Bishop of Arras and Cambrai and advisor to Clovis; the Benedictine abbey founded with his name in Arras; d.540 |
600.1870 | St Valentin(us) | A 'compound' saint difficult to identify; a bishop and/ or a saint who died on a February 14th and was buried on the via Flaminia 269AD |
600.1870 | St Valentinus | Bishop of Strasbourg 530-60 |
600.1877 | St Valérien | The fiancé of St Cecilia, baptised by Pope Urbain (see Bourges w.28) |
600.1880 | St Valery (Walaricus) | An austere and prodigious monk first in Auxerre then at Leucone in what is nw St Valery-sur-Somme; d.622 |
600.1890 | St Veronica | The woman who allegedly wiped Jesus face on the Via Crucis thus obtaining an image (story not in the Bible) but popular in the 15th century |
600.190 | St Victor | A Roman soldier in Marseilles who converted two others to Christianity and was martyred with them after much torture under Maximian; c.290 |
600.1905 | St Victorin | Appears at the death of St Savinien in w17 at Chartres; a scholar and bishop of Pettau in Slovenia? d. 304 |
600.191 | St Vincent | A deacon of Saragossa who was persecuted under Diocletian; he suffered many tortures similar to St Lawrence; d.304 at Valencia |
600.192 | St Virgo | (appears in w204 at Strasbourg: the Virgin Mary?) |
600.1922 | St Victrice | A bishop of Rouen in the 4th-5th century |
600.1925 | St Vital(is) 1. | A slave martyred with his master St Agricole in Bologne in 304 |
600.1925 | St Vital(is) 2. | of Ravenna and husband of St Valery who was the mother of St Gervais and St Protais; late 1st / early 2nd century during Nero's persecutions |
600.1927 | St Vivent | The 9th bishop of Reims; d.395 |
St Walburge | (Walburga, Waldburg) An English nun who became head (abbess?) Heidenheim in 761. (Strangely Walpurgis night, May 1, is named after her) | |
600.1929 | St Wandrille | Left the court of Dagobert II and marriage to become a monk; founded Fontanelle near Jumieges under the guidance of St Ouen; .668 |
St Wendolin | Son of a Scotish king, pilgrimed to Rome and settled in Trier as a hermit and then became an abbot; d.617 | |
600.1931 | St Wannard | A local hermit-bishop? (the name is probably St Weonard) |
600.1932 | St Werston | A hermit monk who fled the Danes and settled in Malvern; he had a vision telling him where to found a chapel that then became the Priory; 11th century |
600.1935 | St Wilfred | From Lindisfarne via Rome, then Whitby to become bishop of York and to triumph Roman over Celtic Christianity; d.709/710 |
600.194 | St William | Controversial bishop of York, deposed in 1147 but reinstated shortly before his death in 1154; miracles were believed to have occurred at his tomb |
600.1941 | St Winifed | A ledgendary 7th century niece of the Welsh St Bueno she was decapitated by a chieftan's son for refusing his advances; Bueno reinstated her head |
600.196 | St Wulfstan (Wulstan) | A saintly bishop of Worcester; d.1095 |
600.1965 | St Yves 1 | de Breton; a priest in the diocese of Tréguier who did good deeds; d.1303 |
600.1965 | St Yves 2 | de Chartres; bishop of Chartres 1040-1116 |
600.197 | St Yvo | Bishop of Chartres and fellow student with St Anselm; d.1115 |
600.1975 | St Zanobi (Zenobius) | First bishop of Florence, known as a great preacher; d.417 |