n.b.These are old scanned slides! To be updated soon I hope!

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Rose windows


whole window

Mancetta, St Peter

The E window here, with its five tall lancets filled with numerous fragments of mostly C14 glass, has a small Tree of Jesse at its centre; the outer lancets (1) and (5) have angels, canopy parts and intertwined flowers; (2) has (from top to bottom) a Tudor rose, censing angel, Sr James with a staff and various bits; in (3) is a fine figure of St Margaret with dragon at the top, then David from a Tree of Jesse with harp (and squirrels in the branches), beneath whom are the prophets Iaconias, (?) Asa and a canopy; (4) has a censing angel, a quatrefoil with a bearded saint (Paul?), then (?) Bartholomew and a canopy top; (5) is mostly fragments, apart from an angel at the top.

detail 1

detail 2

detail 3

detail 4

detail 5

detail 6