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Window 211 - The north rose window

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Whole window

Central section

The first coming of Christ is to be found in the main circular lights around the central hub as the Childhood of Christ and is continued in adjacent pairs of triangular lights at the tips of the centripetal arches.

In the 12 lights around the Majestas Domini at the centre are six angels above six souls rising from their tombs at Last Judgement.

The smaller scenes in the outer lights often relate immediately to nearby scenes; e.g. the Annunciation to the Shepherds in Ha and Hb are close by the Nativity in I.

Some of the scenes are paired with lights on the opposite side of the rose. For example,

- the Annunciation in G & F: - the Visitation with St Elisabeth and the Virgin Mary in E & H: - the Nativity in D & I; - the Magi and Herod in B & K: - Adoration of the Magi in A and L

Christ with the Doctors in Fa and Fb, and the rare Precious Scholarisation of Christ in Ga and Gb

Annunciation to Shepherds in Ha and Hb, an angel visits the Magi in a dream in Ea and Eb

The Magi on horseback in Da Db and Cb, and in Ia, Ib and Ja The legend of the Field of Wheat (Apocryphal).

C has the Circumcision, while J has the Apocryphal scene of the Bath of the Infant Christ by two wise women

Bb and Ca have the horses of the Magi being cared for; Jb and Ka have the Flight into Egypt

Kb, La, Ab and Ba have the Massacre of the Holy Innocents;

Lb and Aa have The Presentation in the Temple.