Home page

Window to left

To layout


29. Christ with the doctors


25. Moses with Jethro


26. Daniel Judges the elders


22i Cana Marriage


18i The Six Ages of the World


19i The Six Ages of Man


15. The Miraculous draught of fish


11. Noah releases the dove


12. St Peter preaching


8. The Call of Nathaniel


4. Gentile hearers


5. Pharisee despisers

Canterbury cathedral

North choir aisle


Third Typological window


Made up from scenes from typological windows 3,4, and 6 (originally at n.XIV, n.XIII & n.XII)

Only panels 25,26 and 29 and some of the border are in situ.

The lower panels were severely damaged by the Parliamentarians in 1642

(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008