"There is no beginning.
Start where you arrive. Stop before what entices you. And work! You will enter little by little into the entirety.
Method will be born in proportion to your interest; elements which your attention at first separates in order to
analyse them, will unite to compose the whole.
In the calm exile of work, we first learn patience, which in turn teaches energy, and energy gives us eternal youth
made of self collectedness and enthusiasm. From such vantage we can see and understand life, this delicious life
that we denature by the artifices of our enclosed, unaired spirit, surrounded though we are by masterpieces of
nature and of art. For we no longer understand them, idle despite our agitation, blind in the midst of splendours.
If we could but understand Gothic art, we should be irresistibly led back to truth."
Auguste Rodin, The Cathedrals
of France.
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