Whole window
External view
"Die Rose der Kathedrale von Lausanne und der kosmologische Bilderkreis
des Mittelalters." Beer (Ellen J.): 1952
"Le carré central de la Rose de la cathédrale de
Lausanne. A propos de l'etude d'Alice Mary Hilton" by Francois
Forel; Journal of Swiss archeology and art history 47 1990
"Seing and Not seing the rose Window of Lausanne cathedral" Elizabeth Carson Paston and Brigitte Kurmann Schwarz in "Investigations in Medieval Stained Glass",
(Reading Medieval Sources, 3) by Brigitte Kurmann -Schwarz (Author) Brill 2019
Lausanne, Cathedral
A remarkable and unique rose window as well as a fascinating
record of medieval imagery.It is essentially
a medieval Imago Mundi or image of the world and
the universe.
Panels asterisked are C19 replacements.
1 God the Father.*
Matter: in the small square
2 Light and dark.*
3 Land and sea.*
4 Fish and birds.*
5 Animals and men.*
Time: in the four semicircles
6 Spring, a man with flowers and leaves.
7 Summer, red
rays warming the blue sky.
8 Autumn, amid
the red and white grapes.
9 Winter, in
white and hooded weathers a storm.
10 March, prunes
the vines.
11 April, wearing
a toque, opens the door to his garden.
12 May, on a
white horse, carries his falcon to the hunt.
13 June, inaccurately
labelled IULIUS cuts the hay.
14 July, reaps
the harvest with a sickle.
15 August,
threshes the harvest under a baking sun.
16 September,
harvesting the grapes.
17 October,
tending his pigs while they eat acorns
18 November,
the month of cattle and pig slaughter.
19 December
raises a glass to the year that has gone.*
20 January,
Janus looking at the year passed and to come
21 February,
warming his hands.*
The elements and the Zodiac
22 Earth, a
woman surrounded with ears of corn.
23 Water, breast-feeding
a fish.
24 Air, doing
likewise to a dragon.
25 Fire feeding
a salamander.
click on an area for details - or a highlighted link below
38 The sun with a fiery
halo being drawn across the sky in a chariot.
39 The moon
being drawn likewise but with only two horses.
40 Aeromancy,
surrounded by seven doves foretells the future.
41 Pyromancy,
foretelling the future from the flames of the fire.
Paradise and the lands of myth
The 4 rivers of Paradise pouring waters from the corners of the earth.
42 The Geon
43 The Tigris.
44 The Phison
45 The Euphrates.
46 Ethiopians,
with four eyes to help the accuracy of their archery.
47 Gangaridae,
of the Ganges who lived off the sweet smell of fruit
__(and died in the presence
of any foul odour!).
48 Acephali,
creatures with no heads and with eyes in their bodies.
49 Cynocephali,
dog-headed men, thought to live in India.
50 Pygmies,
also thought to inhabit India, here fighting a crane.
51 A Satyr,
a small hook-nosed creature with horns and goat-like feet.
52 Sciapodes,
lived in the desert only one foot, used as a sunshade.*
53 Cephi, elusive
creatures known only by their human-like footprints.
The eight winds of the cosmos
54 Auster, the south wind.
55 Euroauster, the south-south-east Wind.
56 Subsolanus,
the eastern wind of the Levant.
57 Vulturnus,
the south-east Wind.
58 Septentrion, the north Wind.
59 The north-west summer Wind.
60 Zephyr,
the west Wind.
61 Austerozephyr, the south-west Wind.