Strasbourg Cathedral
w. 10
c.1260-70 and 1330-35
The Life of Christ
13d The entry to Jericho
13c Caiaphas predicts Christ's death
13b The Resurrection of Lazarus
13a Jesus and the Woman taken in adultery
10d The Transfiguration
10c The storm on the lake
10b The meal at Simon's house
10a Jesus and the Samaritan
7d Healing a possessed
7c The miracle of loaves and fishes
7b/8b Casting out a devil; raising a widow's son
7a/8a A healing; raising Jairus's daughter
4d The Sermon on the Mount
4c The Marraige at Cana
4b The Temptations in the Wilderness
4a John the Baptist preaching / 5a The Baptism in the River Jordan