West window
One of the finest collections of medieval glass in the country
dating from the mid C15; part of the work may have heen executed hy the glazier who did the St William window in
East window
E: miscellaneous
N Choir aisle
nIII: frags in tracery lilghts
nIV: frags in tracery lilghts
nV: "Museum Window": Mary cycle in tracery
N Choir Clerestory
NII: Annunciation, Presentation; Virgin's Life
NIII: Bishops: St Anne & Virgin
NIV: "Founder's Window" (Werston, Edward Confessor, William the Conqueror)
S Choir Clerestory
SII: Orders of Angels: Saints
SIII: James Gt (x2) Catherine; Crucifixion
SIV: Orders of Angels: Saints
nVI: "Magnificat" & Life of Christ; Royal donors
nVII: Ss. Paul, John the Evangelist, John Baptist
Nave aisle
nIX: Childhood & Life of Christ; and of BVM |

St Ann's Chapel
sIII: The Creation, Adam & Eve
sIV: Noah and Abraham
sV: Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses