Left pair _____ Right
Clermont Ferrand, Cathedral
Window: w.15; The Life of St George
1. G presents his wife to the prefect of empreror Dacien
2. G imprisoned for decaliming idols
3. G asks to see his son
4. G explains God to Dacien & his wife
5. Alexandra is converted & on knees before
6. She is arrested and...
7. ...decapitated and... 8.
...her head given to Dacien.
9. Modern
10. The king of Silene's daughter meets G
11. She leads him to....
12. .... the dragon - she prays for his success.
13. G defeats the dragon and she leads it
into the town
14. Dacien tries to poison L's drink
15 & 16 modern.
17-19. The high priest with a demon: G overthrows
the idols
20. George is thrown into prison
21. He is torn with rakes (22 - 23 modern)
24-25 plunged in boiling water, survives,
and thrown a demon into the water in his place
26-27 He is imprisoned and tortured again
A king pays homage to him
29 A woman brings him food
30 He is sentenced to death... 31 ...decapitated...
32 ...dismembered... 33 ...but reappeares
to heal...
34 his body having been
35 He is buried and 36
his soul ascends to heaven