Albi Cathedral The organ and wall painting at the west end
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Albi Cathedral Wall painting of Last Judgement
Alet church Wall painting - detail of shield with dragon below the Crucifixion
Alet church Wall painting - detail of 2 figures below the Crucifixion
Alet church Wall painting - The Crucifixion
Alet church Wall painting - 3 figures below the Crucifixion
Alet church Wall painting - 2 monks
Arezzo Pieve di Santa Maria Wall painting of St Dominic: Andrea di Nerlo? Mid C14
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - praying monk and angel
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - praying monk and angel
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - remains include angels (at the Assumption?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - remains include angels (at the Assumption?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - remains include Apostles (at the Assumption?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - remains include angels (at the Assumption?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - the Annunciation
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Jordan Baptism and Virgin & Child with a kneeling saint
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - St Francis (parts lost)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - St Michael and his angels
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting -
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - (top to bottom) Death of Adam; 2 scenes of Solomon and Sheba; Constantine's victory over Mexantius by Piero
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - The Death of Adam (in lunette) by Piero
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall paintings of Choir ceiling
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Heraclius restores the Cross to Jerusalem
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Victory of Heralius over Chosroes
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Victory of Heralius over Chosroes
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - St Helen discovers the Cross
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Constantine's dream by Piero
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Solomon orders the burial of the beam (of the Cross?)by Piero
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - the Annunciation by Piero (or St Helen receiving news of her death?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - the torture of Judas by Piero
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - angels
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - detail from the Victory of Heralius over Chosroes
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - detail from the Victory of Heralius over Chosroes
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - detal of a head
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - detail of the Annunciation by Piero (or St Helen receiving news of her death?)
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - series of scenes of the life of a saint-monk
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - series of scenes of the life of a saint-monk - the saint
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - on north wall: Pentecost
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - on north wall: Pentecost - detail
Arezzo San-Francesco Wall painting - Virgin and Child and St Christopher
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - saint enthroned?
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - musician angels
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - 2 saints under canopies - 3rd has disappeared
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - the Crucifixion
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - 2 saints and 6 scenes (at the west end?)
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - 2 saints and 6 scenes (at the west end?)
Arezzo San-Domenico Wall painting - the Crucifixion with 4 saints and 3 scenes above
Arezzo San-Domenico Door with painting in the tympanum/lunette
Arezzo San-Domenico Door with painting in the tympanum - Virgin and Child with a bishop and one other kneeling
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings on the nave ceiling - by Gugliemo Marcillat c.1520
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings on the nave ceiling, east end - (not by by Gugliemo Marcillat?)
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings on the nave ceiling - by Gugliemo Marcillat c.1520
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings above C13 Virgin and Child
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings beside C13 Virgin and Child
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings beside C13 Virgin and Child
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings beside C13 Virgin and Child
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings on the nave ceiling - by Gugliemo Marcillat c.1520
Arezzo Duomo Wall paintings on a ceiling
Arezzo San Annunciata Wall painting: The Annunciation by Spinello Aratino c.1370
Arezzo San Annunciata Wall painting: The Annunciation by Spinello Aratino c.1370
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi Forum Wall paintings in the forum
Assissi San-Pietro Wall paintings: Virgin and Child
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: The Virgin
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting:
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: angel
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: angel
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a bearded saint
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: Virgin and Child
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: Virgin and Child
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint being fed by an angel
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint with a book
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint with a book
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint
Assissi Sta Maria Magdalene Wall painting: a saint
Aumale St Pierre et St Paul The Chapelle du St Sepulchre with wall paintings of the Last Judgement; also sculpture of the Entombment - a copy of the original destroyed after the French Revolution
Beauvais Musée de l'Oise Wallpaintings "Les Sirènes" in the Medieval room of the chatelet
Beauvais Musée de l'Oise Wallpaintings "Les Sirènes" in the Medieval room of the chatelet
Beauvais Musée de l'Oise Wallpaintings "Les Sirènes" in the Medieval room of the chatelet
Beauvais Musée de l'Oise Wallpaintings "Les Sirènes" in the Medieval room of the chatelet
Beckley-100425.jpg Wall painting of demons
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting of ?St Sebastian being shot at
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting with scales (of St Michael)
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting - faded
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting - faded
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting - 3 people in a tub - with St Nicholas?
Bishopsbourne St Mary Wall painting - 3 people in a tub - with St Nicholas?
Bourges Cathedral Wall painting of Mary Magdalene meeting the resurrected Christ
Bourges Cathedral Wall painting of Mary Magdalene meeting the resurrected Christ
Bourges Palais Jacques Coeur Wall painting in the cabinet des echevins
Bourges Palais Jacques Coeur Wall painting in the cabinet des echevins
Bourges Palais Jacques Coeur Wall painting in the cabinet des echevins
Bourges St Bonnet Wall-painting remains in a side chapel
Brienne-le-Vielle St Pierre ès Liens Ancient window with painting on interior surface
Brienne-le-Vielle St Pierre ès Liens Ancient window with painting on interior surface
Brienne-le-Vielle St Pierre ès Liens Ancient window with painting on interior surface
Brioude Basilique St Julien Wall paintings on ceiling: Christ blessing with figures on horses below - 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Brioude Basilique St Julien Wall painting on ceiling: Souls under the altar and a horseman of the Apocalypse?
Brioude Basilique St Julien Wall paintings on a pillar: winged beast
Brioude Basilique St Julien Wall paintings on a pillar: 3 saints
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: 2 angels (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: faded
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: 2 angels (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: an angel (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: an angel (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: an angel (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: an angel (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Buckland St Michael Wall paintings: an angel (ex Hailes Abbey: late C15/early C16?)
Cahors Cathedral View of the wall paintings below the west window
Cahors Cathedral View of the wall paintings below the west window
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capitals with painted sculpted faces and grotesques
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capitals with painted sculpted faces and a hand
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capitals with painted sculpted face and grotesques
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capitals with painted sculpted face and grotesques
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capital with painted sculpted grotesque
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capital with painted sculpted grotesque
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capital with painted sculpted grotesque
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capital with painted sculpted grotesque
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Capital with painted sculpted grotesques
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Interior view upper choir to the west, the vaults and the wall paintings
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Interior view of the choir vaults and paintings
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Interior view of the choir vaults and paintings
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Interior view of the choir vaults and paintings
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The choir vaults with painting of the Evangelical Bull of St Luke
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The choir vaults with painting of the Evangelical Lion of St Mark
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The choir vaults with painting of the pelican feeding its young / or the Evangelical Eagle of St John
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The choir vaults with painting of the Evangelical Lion of St Mark
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The choir vaults with painting of a head of a saint amid naturalistic surroundings
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne West wall of the choir with a painting of rising souls at the Last Judgement with angels, one with a trumpet
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne West wall of the choir with a painting of Last Judgement - a detail with an angel
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne West wall of the choir with a painting of Last Judgement - a detail with an angel with a trumpet
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne West wall of the choir with a painting of rising souls at the Last Judgement with angels, one with a trumpet
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of the Pieta amid roses with another saint behind outside a town
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of the Pieta amid roses - a detail
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of the saint behind the Pieta
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of the Pieta amid roses - a detail
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of the saint behind the Pieta
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting - an angel? (much is lost having flaked off)
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting of an angel within a quatrefoil (part is lost having flaked off)
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting - an angel? - at the Annunciation? With image 31?
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting - the Virgin at the Annunciation? With image 30?
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Wall painting - a figure (saint?) amid naturalistic foliage
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne A pillar with wall painting of a saint
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne A pillar with wall painting of a saint
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne Vaults with painted brickwork
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The vaults with painted brickwork
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The vaults with painted brickwork
Cambronne-lès-Clermont St Etienne The vaults with painted brickwork
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall paintings in the ceiling: the Evangelists
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St Luke painting a picture of the Virgin
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall paintings in the ceiling: the Evangelists
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St John
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St Mark
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting above the statue: a group of people
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting: the Deposition
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting: two kneeling figures with staffs
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St John
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: An angel sounding a trumpet
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St Mark
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting Christ on a rainbow
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St Luke painting a picture of the Virgin - detail
Canville-la-Rocque St Malo Wall painting in the ceiling: St Matthew with an angel
Ceffonds St Remi Wall painting of St Christopher
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting behind the altar
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting behind the altar
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting behind the altar
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting behind the altar
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting on the roof boss
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Wall painting - faded
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the chapel ceiling
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the chapel ceiling
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the chapel ceiling and west wall
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the west wall: the Annunciation
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the west wall: above the Annunciation by Francesco Primaticcio, after 1532
Chaalis Abbaye Wall paintings on the west wall: above the Annunciation by Francesco Primaticcio, after 1532
Champeaux Collegiale St Martin Wall paintings on the wall between the south transept and the crossing
Champeaux Collegiale St Martin Wall paintings on the wall between the south transept and the crossing
Champeaux Collegiale St Martin Wall paintings on the wall between the south transept and the crossing
Chartres Cathedral Crypt: wall painting of Virgin and Child
Chartres Cathedral Detail interior view of the west end: a painted rosace
Chartres Cathedral Detail interior view of the west end: a painted rosace
Chartres Cathedral Detail interior view of the west end: a painted rosace
Chelsworth All Saints Chancel arch with 'Doom' wallpainting - much restored in the C19
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting: Virgin and Child, donor and angels
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting above door: Virgin and Child, donor and angels
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting - part missing: Virgin and Child, donor and angel
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting - a cleric praying and an angel
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting - a cleric praying and an angel
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting - part missing: Virgin and Child, donor and angel - detail
Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Wall painting - St Sebastian
Cordes eglise Interior view of chapel with painted vaults
Cordes eglise Interior view of chapel with painted vaults
Cramoisy St Martin Remains of a wall painting
Cramoisy St Martin Remains of a wall painting - image of a church with a steeple
Croisy St Germain Wall painting on the north side
Croisy St Germain Wall painting on the north side
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting: Evangelist - St John
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting: Evangelist - St Luke
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting: Evangelist - St Matthew
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting: Evangelist - St Mark
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting
Dompeter St Pierre de Molshem Wall painting
Dorchester Abbey The Crucifixion with St Mary and St John; c.1340
Dorchester Abbey The Crucifixion with St Mary and St John; c.1340
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: Death of the Virgin Mary
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: The Flight into Egypt
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: Herod orders the massacre of the Innocents
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: Mary Magdalene with Christ of the Resurrection: "Noli me tangere"
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: St Martin divides his cloak
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: Coronation of the Virgin: Flight into Egypt: St Martin
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: Coronation of the Virgin
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: the Annunciation
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: the Nativity
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: God the Father, angels and?
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: God the Father, angels and?
Durmersheim Church of Maria Bickersheim Wall painting: a ?devil's face in a recess in the wall
Earl-Stonham St Mary Roof and wall painting on the chancel arch
Earl-Stonham St Mary Wall painting: Last Judgement
Earl-Stonham St Mary Wall painting: bust on a plinth?
Earl-Stonham St Mary Wall painting: bust on a plinth in a scene of ?
Earl-Stonham St Mary Wall painting: an angel?
Florence San Lorenzo The dome / cupola by Vincenzo Meucci
Florence San Lorenzo St Anthony Abbot with St Leonardo and St Giuliano, by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494
Florence Sta-Trinita Faded frescoes in the vaults
Florence Sta-Trinita Fresco in the altar of the Sasseti Chapel: Adoration of the shepherds by Ghirlandaio , 1485
Florence Sta-Trinita Frescoes behind the altar of the Sasseti Chapel: Scenes of the miracles of St Francis, 1485?: also Adoration of the shepherds, all by Ghirlandaio.
Florence Sta-Trinita Frescoes behind and above the altar of the Sasseti Chapel: The Confirmation of the Rule of St Francis, 1485? by Ghirlandaio.
Florence Sta-Trinita Fresco in the altar of the Sasseti Chapel: Adoration of the shepherds by Ghirlandaio , 1485
Florence Sta-Trinita Salimbeni-Bartolini Chapel: Annunciation by Lorenzo Monaco, c.1425
Florence Sta-Trinita Salimbeni-Bartolini Chapel: The Wedding of the Virgin Mary by Lorenzo Monaco, 1420 - 1425
Florence Sta-Trinita Salimbeni-Bartolini Chapel: The Meeting of Anne and Joachim at the Golden Gate by Lorenzo Monaco, c.1420 - 1425
Florence Sta-Trinita Salimbeni-Bartolini Chapel: Detail of the Annunciation by Lorenzo Monaco, c.1425
Florence Sta-Trinita Salimbeni-Bartolini Chapel: Detail of the Annunciation by Lorenzo Monaco, c.1425
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Fescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Frescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Duomo Fescoes in the dome by Vasari / Zuccari: Last Judgement
Florence Sta-Croce Frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi at the east end
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The death of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: St Francis: the Renunciation of assets by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire), by Giotto, 1325
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: Remains of the Vision of the Ascension of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: Detail from the Vision of the Ascension of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: Detail from the Vision of the Ascension of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The death of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: St Francis scenes by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: St Francis: the Renunciation of assets (above); receives the stigmata (below) by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The death of St Francis by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The Feast of Herod by Giotto, 1320
Florence Sta-Croce St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire), 1325
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The ascension of St John by Giotto
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: The resurrection of Drusiana by Giotto, c.1320
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: Agnolo Gaddi, The Legend of the True Cross, Chosroes Worshipped by His Subjects, The Dream of Heraclius, and The Defeat of the Son of Chosroes
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: St Francis receiving the stigmata by Giotto in the Peruzzi chapel
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: the Assumption
Florence Sta-Croce Opera: Fresco of an angel with flowers
Florence Sta-Croce Opera: Fresco of the Virgin and Child Madonna of Humility, Unknown artist close to Pietro di Giovanni a.k.a. Lorenzo Monaco, 1405 - 1410,
Florence Sta-Croce Opera: Fresco of a female saint
Florence Sta-Croce Opera: Fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Coronation of the Virgin, detached fresco by Maso di Banco, formerly attributed to Giottino
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco in the refectory by Taddeo Gaddi of the Tree of the Cross, the Last Supper, and 4 Miracles, 1360s
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco in the refectory by Taddeo Gaddi of the Tree of the Cross
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco in the refectory by Taddeo Gaddi detil of the Last Supper, 1360s
Florence Sta-Croce Opera: Fresco of the Virgin and Child, C14
Florence Sta-Croce Fresco: in the Refectory: part of the "Triumph of Death" by Andrea Orcagna, mid-14th century
Florence Sta-Croce Interior view of the Pazzi Chapel by Filippo Brunellesch, 1420-60
Florence Sta-Croce Frescoes in the Sacristy: the Ascension by Niccolo di Pietro Gerini; the Resurrection by Gerini; the Crucifixion by Taddeo Gaddi; the Ascent to Calvary perhaps by Spinello Aretino (1350 - 1410)
Florence Sta Maria Novella A painted Tree (of Jesse?) in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella The Crucifixion, fresco in the cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella The Nativity, fresco in the cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella A monk visited by an angel, fresco in the cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Frescoes by Ghirlandaio
Florence Sta Maria Novella Frescoes by Ghirlandaio
Florence Sta Maria Novella Frescoes by Ghirlandaio
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Tornabuoni Chapel by Ghirlandaio: the Visitation
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Tornabuoni Chapel by Ghirlandaio: from the Life of St John the Baptist - Zechariah writes his name
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Tornabuoni Chapel by Ghirlandaio: from the Life of St John the Baptist - his birth
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Tornabuoni Chapel by Ghirlandaio: from the Life of St John the Baptist - his birth
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Paradiso by Nardodi Cione 1360
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Paradiso by Nardodi Cione 1360
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Paradiso by Nardodi Cione 1360
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Paradiso by Nardodi Cione 1360
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco detail in the Cappella Strozzi di Mantova inspired by Dante's Inferno by Nardodi Cione 1350-57
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco of the Annunciation by Pietro di Miniato
Florence Sta Maria Novella Painting: triptych Jordan Baptism, Adoration of Magi, Nativity by ?
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco detail of the Annunciation by Pietro di Miniato
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco detail of the Annunciation by Pietro di Miniato
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco of the Trinity by Massacio, 1427
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappelloni degli Spagnoli: Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas by Andrea di Bonaiuto
Florence Sta Maria Novella Frescoes on the ceiling of the Cappelloni degli Spagnoli, by Andrea di Bonaiuto, 1365-68
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Cappelloni degli Spagnoli by Andrea di Bonaiuto: Way of Salvation, 1365-68
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco - detail - in the Cappelloni degli Spagnoli: Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas by Andrea di Bonaiuto
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco - detail - on the ceiling of the Cappelloni degli Spagnoli: Jesus Walking on Water, by Andrea di Bonaiuto 1365-68
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Florence Sta Maria Novella Fresco in the Green Cloisters
Isle-Aumont St Pierre Wall painting
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Wall painting of Last Judgement
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Wall painting of Last Judgement
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Wall painting of Last Judgement
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Wall painting of Christ Last Judgement
Les-Riceys St-Pierre-es-Liens Wall paintings with 2 Evangelists -St Mark and St John
Les-Riceys St-Pierre-es-Liens Wall paintings with 2 Evangelists -St Matthew and St Luke
Les-Riceys St-Pierre-es-Liens Wall paintings with 2 Evangelists -St Matthew and St Luke
Louvre-Lens Wallpiece from the throne room of Darius I 's palace. c.510 BC
Louvre-Lens Pompei: c.30-50 BC
Louvre-Lens Pompei: c.30-50 BC
Louvre-Lens St John the Baptist; Crete. Greece. c.1500
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panels on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panels on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panels on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panel on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panel on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panel on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panel on the ceiling
Mesnières Chateau Painted wooden panel on the ceiling
Metz St-Martin Window and wall painting in the north transept
Metz St-Martin Wall painting and painted sculpture in the north transept
Mobberley St Wilfred Wall painting
Mobberley St Wilfred Wall painting
Mobberley St Wilfred Wall painting
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Interior view with wall paintings
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel with wall paintings
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel with wall paintings
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: St Francis receiving the stigmata
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: the death of St Francis
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: in the pediment - a saint with the cross and angels
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: the Nativity
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting:
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting:
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: St Francis talks to the birds and another scene
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: a nativity scene with ?St Francis
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: St Francis before the pope
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: St Francis talks to the birds
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Chapel wall painting: a cleric
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: the Virgin and Child with 2 saints, one with a cross, the other a bishop
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: the Virgin and Child
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: St Catherine
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco on the end wall: the Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, St Jerome and angels
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: St Jerome
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: the Virgin and Child
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Frescoes amid the vaults
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Passageway with frescoes
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: St Jerome
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Frescoes: the Virgin and Child; a saint-nun
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: the Virgin and Child
Montefalco Museo San Francesco View of the chapel with wall paintings
Montefalco Museo San Francesco Fresco: the Virgin and Child
Montefalco Museo San Francesco View of a small chapel with wall painting of the Crucifixion
Nogent-sur-Seine St Laurent Wall paintings on the chancel arch
Nuremberg Frauenkirche Wall painting
Nuremberg Frauenkirche Wall painting
Nuremberg Frauenkirche Wall painting
Nuremberg Frauenkirche Wall painting
Nuremberg St Sebald Wall painting of St Christopher
Nuremberg St Sebald Wall painting of St Christopher
Orvieto Duomo Painting of Dante studying; Chapel of San Brizio, by Luca Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo Fresco by Luca Signorelli of Hell
Orvieto Duomo Fresco of the resurrection at Last Judgement
Orvieto Duomo Frescoes on the ceiling: Christ in Judgement by Fra Angelico and Benozzo Gozzolli, and by Sigorelli
Orvieto Duomo Frescoes on the ceiling: Christ in Judgement by Fra Angelico and Benozzo Gozzolli, and by Sigorelli
Orvieto Duomo Frescoes on the ceiling: Christ in Judgement by Fra Angelico and Benozzo Gozzolli
Orvieto Duomo Frescoes on sides of a window
Orvieto Duomo Fresco of Last Judgement; Heaven by Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo Frescoes on the ceiling
Orvieto Duomo Fresco of the AntiChrist by Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo Fresco on the ceiling with the Apostles by Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo Fresco with Signorelli and Fra Angelica selfportrayed in the AntiChrist portrayal
Orvieto Duomo Fresco of Last Judgement; Hell by Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo Fresco of Last Judgement; Hell by Signorelli
Orvieto Duomo The Apse with frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Life of the Virgin Mary
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: fresco of battle scene by Ugolino di Prete concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Miracle of Bolsena
Orvieto Duomo Painting of the Madonna dei Raccomandate by Lippo Memmi
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario: the Crucifixion
Orvieto Duomo Cappella del Corporale: frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario: the Crucifixion
Orvieto Duomo The Apse with frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario concerning the Life of the Virgin Mary
Osterhofen Church The ceiling
Ottobeuren Klosterkirche The ceiling
Paris St Germain des Pres Interior view of the north side of the crossing wall paintings
Paris St Germain des Pres Interior view of the north side of the crossing wall paintings
Paris St-Sulpice Delacroix painting before cleaning
Paris St-Sulpice Delacroix painting before cleaning
Perugia San-Ercolano Domed ceiling with paintings by John Andrea Carlone (1639-1697) of Genoa.
Perugia San-Ercolano Domed ceiling with paintings by John Andrea Carlone (1639-1697) of Genoa.
Perugia San-Ercolano Domed ceiling with paintings by John Andrea Carlone (1639-1697) of Genoa.
Perugia San-Ercolano Domed ceiling with paintings by John Andrea Carlone (1639-1697) of Genoa.
Perugia San-Ercolano Domed ceiling with paintings by John Andrea Carlone (1639-1697) of Genoa.
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of Adoration of the Magi
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of Herod ordering the Massacre of the Innocents
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the Virgin and Child and St Lucy, 1370
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings include the Stigmatisation of St Elisabeth of Thuringia
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the Virgin and Child with St Lucy and St Jamees by Maestro di Santa Giuliana, c.1390
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the Virgin and Child
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the martyrdom of St Peter Martyr and his companion - by Cola Petruccioli
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the martyrdom of St Sebastian by Umbrian master, c.1396
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings on the chapel ceiling
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of saint-monk
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the Virgin and Child - Umbrian school
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of the Virgin and Child
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of a head alongside the Virgin and Child in 2737
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings of the Virgin and Child (mostly lost) and 2 saints
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings - fragments
Perugia San-Domenico Wall paintings -include fragments of ?Mary Magdalene and St Christopher
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of an angel looking after 2 figures
Perugia San-Domenico Wall painting of saint-monk
Perugia Duomo Ceiling paintings
Perugia Duomo Ceiling paintings
Pisa Duomo Fresco of the Madonna and Child by the Maestro di San Torpè
Pisa Duomo Triumphal arch and fresco of the Madonna and Child by the Maestro di San Torpè
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 02 and 03: one with ship sails
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 04 and 05: one with ship sails
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 06: 2 scenes but much lost
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 06: right hand scene with fighting, spears and horses
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: 2 scenes: left: a saint on knees before a knight on horse: right: a battle
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: left: a saint on knees before a knight on horse
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: right: a battle
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: 2 scenes: left: a saint is arrested. Right: the saint? Is decapitated. In the center a kneeling person
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: left: a saint is arrested
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 07: right: the saint? Is decapitated
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 08: a domestic meal scene; musicians
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 09: Saracens? Hunting; animals
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 10: A raid with animals being taken away, people killed: on left a saint in a mandorla with angels and a devil between him and the raid scene
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 10: A raid with animals being taken away, people killed: on left a saint in a mandorla with angels and a devil between him and the raid scene
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 10: Detail: A raid with animals being taken away, people killed: on left a saint in a mandorla with angels and a devil between him and the raid scene
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 10: Detail: A raid with animals being taken away, people killed: on left a saint in a mandorla with angels and a devil between him and the raid scene
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 11: The universe? As a concentric series of 21 circles with a bishop below: Zodiac signs in circle 11
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 11: The universe? As a concentric series of 21 circles with a bishop below: Zodiac signs in circle 11
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 11: The universe? As a concentric series of 21 circles with a bishop below: Zodiac signs in circle 11
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 12 and 13: above: a scene with a saint and group by a fountain outside a city; below: a saint inside a building with many figures
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 14: 2 saints and an angel above a rural scene with animals and people being killed
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 15: a palace and garden scene with many people - women, children, a falcon
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 16, 17 and 18: 2 pictures of building a house; 18 scene uncertain
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 19 and 20: pictures over a doorway: parts missing
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 21 and 22: scenes uncetain: parts missing
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 21: a Temple scene?: parts missing
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 23 and 24: scenes uncetain: parts missing
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: elegantly dressed women, horses
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: elegantly dressed women, horses
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: large scene includes angels and a devil with souls above corpses: elegant group on right
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: angels with souls
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: a devil grabs a soul
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: complete huge painting: the Triumph of death by Bonamico de Martino da Firenze aka Buffalmacco, 1336-41
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: man and 2 elegant women
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: a dog
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: 2 elegant women and a horse
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 01: detail: knight, woman and 2 horses
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 25 and 26: scenes uncetain: faded and being cleaned
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 27 and 28: scenes uncetain: faded
Pisa Campo-Sancto View includes sarcophagus and wall painting 29: parts missing
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 30: scene uncetain -crowded feast?
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 30: scene uncetain -crowded feast?
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 30: scene uncetain -crowded feast?
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 31: The Ascension
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: left hand end of multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: Multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: right hand end of multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes in mountainous countryside
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: long-haired man with beasts in a forest prays
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a man welcomes a pilgrim
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a monk offers a long-haired ?woman food
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a hermit beneath a palm tree
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a devil torments a ?hermit
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a man in a cave carves a spoon and a saint with 2 demons
Pisa Campo-Sancto Wall painting 32: detail from multi-perspective scenes: a man terrified by a rearing beast
Pontlevoy Abbey Wall painting
Pontlevoy Abbey Wall painting
Pouan-les-Vallée St Pierre Wall painting of St Christopher
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Annunciation by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall paintings in the west chapel
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Virgin goes to the Temple by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Annunciation by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Coronation of the Virgin
Prato Duomo Wall paintings in the west chapel
Prato Duomo Wall paintings in the west chapel
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Meeting at Golden Gate of St Anne and Joachim by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: God the Father
Prato Duomo Wall painting: a saint bishop
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Virgin goes to the Temple by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Annunciation by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail of the Annunciation by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail of the Annunciation by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Birth, Presentation and Marriage of the Virgin by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Marriage of the Virgin by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Virgin goes to the Temple by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Virgin goes to the Temple by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Birth of the Virgin by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Birth of the Virgin by Agnolo Gaddi
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: St Stephen disputing with the crowd by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the ceiling
Prato Duomo Wall painting: Herod's feast where Salome dances and John the Baptist's head is presented to Herodias: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: Herod's feast where Salome dances and John the Baptist's head is presented to Herodias: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: Herod's feast where Salome dances and John the Baptist's head is presented to Herodias: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail: Herod's feast where Salome dances and John the Baptist's head is presented to Herodias: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: John the Baptist preaching; the birth of the Baptist: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: John the Baptist preaching: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the birth of the Baptist: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo View of the Chapel of the Assumption
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail of the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail of the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The Obsequies of St. Stephen by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The Obsequies of St. Stephen by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The birth of St. Stephen, his transformation and given his mission by the pope: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The birth of St. Stephen, his transformation and given his mission by the pope: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The birth of St. Stephen, his transformation and given his mission by the pope: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The birth of St. Stephen, his transformation and given his mission by the pope: by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo View of the Chapel of the Assumption
Prato Duomo Wall painting:
Prato Duomo Wall painting:
Prato Duomo Wall painting:
Prato Duomo Wall painting:
Prato Duomo Wall painting: ceiling
Prato Duomo Wall painting: the Stoning of St Stephen by Paolo Uccello and Andrea di Giusto
Prato Duomo Wall painting: The Obsequies of St. Stephen by Fillipo Lippi and Fra Diamente
Prato Duomo Wall painting: detail: Herod's feast where Salome dances
Ravenna San-Francesco Crypt wall paintings
Ravenna Sta Apollinare in Classe Wall painting in nave spandrel between arches: a fish with inscription "CWCAIC"
Risby St Giles Wall paintings on the north side of the nave
Risby St Giles Wall painting - Noli me Tangere
Risby St Giles Wall painting (faded)
Risby St Giles Wall painting - Noli me Tangere
Rome Palazzo Venezia The myth of Ceres: The Altoviti ceiling
Rome Palazzo Venezia The myth of Ceres: The Altoviti ceiling
Rome Palazzo Venezia The myth of Ceres: The Altoviti ceiling
Rome Palazzo Venezia The myth of Ceres: The Altoviti ceiling
Rome Pantheon Fresco: The Annunciation, fresco
Rome Pantheon Fresco: Coronation of the Virgin
Rome Pantheon Fresco: The Madonna of Mercy between St Francis and St John the Baptist: Umbrian School
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Constantine Room
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Battle of Milvian Bridge in the Constantine Room
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The ceiling of the Constantine Room: the Fall of the idols and the triumph of Christianity
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Constantine Room
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Leo the great prevents the invasion by Attila the Hun
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: A ceiling
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The ceiling of the Room of the Segnatura
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Detail from The School of Athens
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Room of the Fire in the Borgo
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Fire in the Borgo
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The School of Athens
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Detail from The School of Athens
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Detail from The School of Athens
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Detail from The School of Athens
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Coronation of Charlemagne
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Fire in the Borgo
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: The Battle of Ostia
Rome Vatican museum Raphael Rooms: Detail from the Battle of Ostia
Rome San Giovanni Lateran Cloister-Museum: fresco with the Virgin Mary
Rome San-Gregorio-al-Cielo Wall painting as above a monumen
Rome San-Gregorio-al-Cielo Wall painting as above a monumen
Rome San-Marcello The nave ceiling with painting
Rome San-Pietro-in-vincoli The apse with frescos of St Peter by Giacomo Coppi
Rome San-Pietro-in-vincoli The apse with frescos of St Peter by Giacomo Coppi
Rome San-Pietro-in-vincoli The Nave ceiling fresco with the Miracle of the Chains by Giovanni Battista Parodi
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Two Christian martyrs with the lions in the Colosseum
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The burial of St Primus and St Felicianus
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The Martyrdom of St Primus
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The Martyrdom of St Felicianus
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The Crucifixion
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The Martyrdom of St Stephen
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: The Martyrdom of St Stephen
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Nero orders Christian martyrdom by burying with fire
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Saints (Gervais and Protais?) thrown to the animals
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: St John is boiled in oil
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: St Denis and St Domitilla
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a saint
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: A female saint is boiled alive
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a female saint
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a female saint
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a female saint
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Mass martyrdom of numerous saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom and mutilation of various saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a saint: burnt alive upside down
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of a female saint
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom and mutilation of various saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Two young Christians put their hands into the fire
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of St Lucy and St Euphemia of other saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of Ss Vitus, Modestus and his wife Crescentia
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: St Catherine breaks the wheel
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of numerous saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of numerous saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom and mutilation of various saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Pope bishops and kings honor the martyred saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: Martyrdom of numerous saints
Rome San Stefano Rotundo Fresco: A variation on the Joys (and Sorrows) of the Virgin Mary: Annunciation, Flight into Egypt, Presentation, Via Crucis, Crucifixion, Deposition, Entombment
Rome Vatican Sistine Chapel ceiling
Rome Vatican Sistine Chapel ceiling
Rome Vatican Sistine Chapel ceiling
Rome Sta-Maria-Aracoeli The Virgin & Child with St John the Baptist and St John, in the chapel of Saint Pasqual Baylon
Rome Sta-Maria-Aracoeli Painting of the Virgin & Child
Rome Sta-Maria-Aracoeli Painting of the Virgin & Child
Rome Sta-Maria-del-Popolo The dome (designed by Raphael)
Rome Sta-Maria-del-Popolo The dome (designed by Raphael)
Rome Sta-Maria-del-Popolo The dome (designed by Raphael)
Rome Sta-Maria-in-Domnica Altar with painting of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels
Rome Sta-Maria-in-Domnica Altar with painting of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels - detail
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel with paintings by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: The Assumption by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel with paintings by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: The Assumption by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: The Annunciation by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Glory of St Thomas Aquinas: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise", by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva Musician angel, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva Musician angel, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva Musician angel, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva Musician angel, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Virgin Mary at the Assumption, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva Musician angel, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Virgin Mary at the Assumption, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: The Annunciation by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: The Annunciation by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: A Sibyl, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The Carafa Chapel: A Sibyl, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Maria-Sopra-Minerva The angel Gabriel at the Annunciation, by Filippino Lippi
Rome Sta-Sabina Wall painting in the narthex: Virgin Mary, Jesus and Apostles
Rome Sta-Sabina Wall painting in the narthex: Virgin Mary, Jesus and Apostles
Rosenwiller Notre Dame de l'Assomption Wall painting of the 3 Marys at the Resurrection
Rosenwiller Notre Dame de l'Assomption Wall painting on the gable of a tomb: the Resurrection
Siena Duomo Fresco above the stalls in the presbytery
Siena Duomo Fresco above the stalls in the presbytery
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - ceiling by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - frescoes of the life of Popes Pius II & III by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - ceiling by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - fresco with scene from the life of Pope Pius II by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - fresco with scene from the life of Pope Pius II by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - fresco with scenes from the life of Pope Pius II by Pinturicchio & pupils, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - decorative frescoes between the main paintings
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - fresco with the coronation of Pope Pius III by Pinturicchio, 1502-09
Siena Duomo The Libreria Piccolomini - fresco with the coronation of Pope Pius III by Pinturicchio, 1502-09
Siena Baptistery Ceiling frescos
Siena Baptistery Fresco - Virgin and Child by Andrea Vanni
Siena Baptistery Christ before Pilate by Vecchietta, 1450
Siena Baptistery Fresco - the angel of the Annunciation
Siena Baptistery Fresco - the Virgin at the Annunciation
South-Leigh St James Wall painting St Michael and the Virgin Mary
South-Leigh St James Wall painting the Virgin Mary
South-Leigh St James Wall painting St Michael
South-Leigh St James Wall paintings of Last Judgement over the chancel arch
South-Leigh St James Wall paintings of Last Judgement over the chancel arch
South-Leigh St James Wall paintings of Last Judgement over the chancel arch
South-Leigh St James Wall paintings of Last Judgement over the chancel arch -Hell
South-Leigh St James Wall paintings of Last Judgement over the chancel arch -Heaven
South-Leigh St James Wall painting St Clement
South-Leigh St James Wall painting St Clement
Spoleto San-Ansano Wall painting with part of the Last Supper
Spoleto San-Ansano Wall painting with the Virgin and Child with 2 angels
Spoleto San-Ansano Wall painting with sheep in an enclosure anda ?wolf/?lion
Spoleto San-Ansano Wall painting with sheep caught by a ?wolf/?lion with a saint and followers
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel and scrolls
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel with trumpet
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel with trumpet
Spoleto Duomo The apse with frescos by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Death of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Death of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Virgin at the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with frescos by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with (detail of) the Death of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with (detail of) the Death of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo Fresco of the Madonna and Child by Pinturicchio
Spoleto Duomo Fresco of ? in a chariot with an angel - 4 horses and soldiers behind
Spoleto Duomo The chapel of Bishop Costantino Eroli with fresco of the Madonna and Child with John the Baptist by Pinturicchio
Spoleto Duomo The chapel of Bishop Costantino Eroli: God giving blessing to the Madonna and Child below with John the Baptist by Pinturicchio
Spoleto Duomo The chapel of Bishop Costantino Eroli with fresco of the Madonna and Child with John the Baptist by Pinturicchio
Spoleto Duomo The chapel of Bishop Costantino Eroli with fresco of the Madonna and Child by Pinturicchio
Spoleto Duomo The Chapel of San Leonardo (Eroli's Chapel) with frescos by Pinturcchio and Jacopo Santori
Spoleto Duomo The Chapel of San Leonardo (Eroli's Chapel) with frescos by Pinturcchio and Jacopo Santori
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Annunciation by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Death of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo The apse with fresco with the Coronation of the Virgin by Fra Filippo Lippi (1468-69)
Spoleto Duomo Ceiling paintings in the ?sacristy
Spoleto Duomo Ceiling paintings in the ?sacristy
Spoleto Duomo Panel paintings in the ?sacristy
Spoleto Duomo Ceiling paintings in the ?sacristy
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel and scrolls
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel with trumpet
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angel with trumpet
Spoleto Duomo Interior side fresco of one of the rose windows with an angelic choir
Spoleto San-Pietro Wallpainting of a pope
Spoleto San-Pietro Wallpainting of a pope
Steinhausen Abbey church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Steinhausen Abbey church The ceiling
St-Georges-Boscherville A wall painting of an angel
St-Quentin Cathedral Music in the wall painting
St-Quentin cathedral Music score painted onto the choir enclosure
St-Quentin cathedral Wall painting: St Madeleine and St Martha
St-Quentin cathedral Wall painting in chapel: St Madeleine and St Martha
St-Quentin cathedral Wall paintings include the Assumption
St-Quentin cathedral Wall painting of the Assumption
Strasbourg St Thomas Wall painting of St Michael
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of St Christopher
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of a boat with the Apostles and St Peter invited by Christ to walk on the water; below and 8 angels with banderoles
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux The screen beneath the organ
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux The door amid wall paintings
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting with a procession of countries - represented as women on horseback
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting with a procession of countries - represented as women on horseback
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of the Baptism in the river Jordan
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of the Baptism in the river Jordan above the procession of countries
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of a bishop-saint with St John and St Peter
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of a group outside a city wall
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of a king
Strasbourg St Pierre le Vieux Wall painting of the Entombment
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: saint with book and one other
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: the Ascension?
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: release of souls from Hell?
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: heads of kings and queens
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: Pentecost
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: the Crucifixion
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting: Pentecost (detail)
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré view of nave and wall paintings
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Wall painting
Tiefenbronn Wall painting: St Catherine and a bishop with St John the Baptist
Tiefenbronn Wall painting: St Catherine
Tiefenbronn Wall painting: St Margaret with ?(female saint)
Tiefenbronn Wall painting: 2 saints
Tiefenbronn Wall paintings around an aedicule
Tiefenbronn Painted statue of female saint with chalice
Todi Duomo Interior west wall with Last Judgement painting and rose window
Todi Duomo Interior west wall with Last Judgement painting and rose window
Todi Duomo Interior west wall with painting and rose window
Todi Duomo Detail of the interior west wall with Last Judgement painting
Todi San-Fortunato Wall paintings in a side chapel
Todi San-Fortunato Wall painting in a side chapel: The Virgin with Christ Child and John the Baptist?
Todi San-Fortunato Wall painting in a side chapel: The Virgin with Christ Child
Toul Cathedral Wall painting (v. faded)
Toul Cathedral Wall painting of a saint
Toul Cathedral Wall painting of a sainted bishop under a canopy
Toul St Gengoult Faded wall painting in an altar / Easter sepulchre
Toul St Gengoult Faded wall painting detailbelow a Crucifixion
Toulouse St Sernin Painting above the baldachin
Toulouse St Sernin Wall painting of an angel
Toulouse St Sernin Wall painting (faded) of the ceiling of a chapel
Tours Cathedral Wall painting: death of a saint
Troyes St-André Wall painting of St James Gt
Troyes St-André Wall painting of St James Gt
Troyes St-André Wall painting of St James Less
Troyes St-André Wall painting of St Peter
Vierzehnheiligen church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Vierzehnheiligen church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Walbourg Wall painting: 3 Apostles
Walbourg Wall painting: 2 Apostles - one is St Bartholomew
Walbourg Wall painting: 3 Apostles - one is St John
Wieskirche church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Wieskirche church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Wieskirche church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Wieskirche church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Wissembourg St Pierre et St Paul South aisle with St Christopher wall painting
Wissembourg St Pierre et St Paul South aisle with St Christopher wall painting
Wissembourg St Pierre et St Paul Wall painting - the resurrected Christ
Wissembourg St Pierre et St Paul Wall painting - St Christopher
Wurzburg Chapel Ceiling
Yarnton St Bartholomew Wall painting - the Virgin Mary?
Yarnton St Bartholomew Wall painting
Zweifalten Church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Zweifalten Church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Zweifalten Church Interior view to the west and ceiling
Zweifalten Church Ceiling detail
Zweifalten Church Ceiling detail
Zweifalten Church Interior view to the east and ceiling
Zweifalten Church Interior view to the east and ceiling