Bourges Palais Jacques Coeur Ship in stained glass (modern) Click
Cahors Cathedral The high windows in the choir Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west: the organ Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west: the organ Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel - the westend Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west: the organ Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west: the organ Click
Cambridge Kings College Interior view of the chapel to the west: the organ Click
Cerisy-le-Foret Abbatiale Windows (modern) in the apse Click
Chaalis Abbaye View of the east end Click
Chaalis Abbaye Interior view of the east end of the chapel Click
Chaalis Abbaye Window with grisaille at the east end Click
Chaalis Abbaye Window with grisaille at the east end Click
Chaalis Abbaye Window with grisaille at the east end Click
Chaalis Abbaye Window with grisaille at the east end Click
Chartres Cathedral The ambulatory: chapel of the Confessors Click
Chartres Cathedral The ambulatory: chapel of the Confessors Click
Chartres Cathedral The ambulatory: chapel of the Confessors Click
Chartres Cathedral Bay with ws w19, w21, w23 Click
Chartres Cathedral The shrine in bay 29 Click
Chartres Cathedral The shrine in bay 29 Click
Chartres Cathedral Bay with ws w11, w13, w15 Click
Chartres Cathedral Bay with ws w23, w25, w27 Click
Chartres Cathedral Bay with ws w9, w11, w13 Click
Chartres Cathedral Bay with ws w1, w0, w2: chapel of the Apostles Click
Chartres Cathedral Crypt: modern glass Click
Chartres Cathedral Crypt: modern glass Click
Chartres Cathedral Interior view: choir south clerestory windows Click
Chartres Cathedral The high windows at the east end: w100-w106 Click
Chartres Cathedral The east windows in the choir (l. to r. w105, w103, w101, w100, w102) Click
Chartres Cathedral The high windows at the east end: w102-w105 Click
Chartres Cathedral The east windows in the choir (l. to r. w101, w100, w102, w104, w106) Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of north clerestory windows Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of south clerestory windows Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of south clerestory windows w.210 to w.222 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of south clerestory windows w.218 to w.224 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of south clerestory windows w.222 to w.228 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the nave to the east Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the nave to the south and east Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the nave to the north and east Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of north clerestory windows w.219 to w.227 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of north clerestory windows w.211 to w.221 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of north clerestory windows w.207 to w.215 Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the north east end Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the east end clerestory Click
Chartres St-Pierre view of the south east end Click
Chartres St-Pierre interior view of the east end clerestory windows Click
Dieppe St Jacques Modern stained glass windows Click
Domfont St Julien Window Click
Domfont St Julien Window Click
Domfont St Julien Window Click
Domfont St Julien Windows Click
Domfont St Julien Windows Click
Earl-Stonham St Mary Window with bell ropes Click
Ecouen eglise Interior view of the south windows Click
Ecouen eglise internal view to the east Click
Ecouen eglise internal view to the east Click
Evreux Cathedral View of the Lady Chape Click
Evreux Cathedral View of the Lady Chape Click
Exeter Cathedral The great east window Click
Figueras Dali museum Gruber stained glass window Click
Florence Baptistery vew with the cathedral west widow on display Click
Folleville St James and St John Modern stained glass window Click
Folleville St James and St John Modern stained glass window - detail Click
Folleville St James and St John Modern stained glass window - detail Click
Folleville St James and St John Modern stained glass window - detail Click
Gloucester Cathedral View of the cloisters Click
Gloucester Cathedral View of a cloisters with C19/20 glass Click
Gournay St Hildevert Modern window by J. Gaudin, 1954 Click
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Stained glass window (modern) and its light Click
Issoire Abbatiale Saint Austremoine Stained glass window (modern) and its light Click
Laon Cathedral Chapel of St Andre (ou de St Sepulcre) Click
Laon Cathedral Modern windows in Chapel of St Andre (ou de St Sepulcre) Click
Laon Cathedral Window in the Chapel of St Andre (ou de St Sepulcre) with modern glass: St Genebaud Click
Laon Cathedral Windows in the Chapel of St Paul or of the Holy Face.1935 Click
Laon Cathedral One of the windows in the Chapel of St Paul or of the Holy Face.1935 Click
Laon Cathedral One of the windows in the Chapel of St Paul or of the Holy Face Click
Les-Andelys Anc. Collegiale Notre Dame View of the modern east window Click
Les-Andelys Anc. Collegiale Notre Dame View of the nave, south aisle and clerestory Click
Long-Melford Church Windows with a fragments of old glass in the tracery light Click
Mesnières Chateau Modern glass in the chapel Click
Mildenhall St Mary C19 east window Click
Montfort-Lamoury St Pierre The high windows above the altar Click
Montfort-Lamoury St Pierre The high windows in the nave Click
Montfort-Lamoury St Pierre View of the south aisle Click
Montmorency Collégiale Saint-Martin View of the north side of the church Click
Montmorency Collégiale Saint-Martin View of the south side of the church Click
Outines St Nicholas The west rose window - internal (1930s?) Click
Oxford Christ Church cathedral C17(?) glass remains in the tracery lights of south west windows Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of the windows at the east end Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of the windows at the east end and on the south side Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of the south transept and the choir clerestory level Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of the nave south aisle Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais View of windows w.10 and w.12 with glass by Sylvie Gaudin, 1993-95 Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais View of windows w.10 and w.12 with glass by Sylvie Gaudin, 1993-95 Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Clerestory windows in the nave and north transept Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Clerestory windows in the north nave Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Clerestory windows in the south nave Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Clerestory windows in the choir Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of windows w.15 and w.11 Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of windows w.31 and w.29 Click
Paris Paris-St-Gervais et Protais Interior view of windows w.7 and w.9 Click
Paris Paris-St-Merri Interior view of the north transept Click
Paris Paris-St-Merri Interior view of the choir Click
Paris Paris-St-Merri View of the clerestory on the north east side of the choir Click
Paris Paris-St-Merri View of the clerestory on the south east side of the choir Click
Paris St-Severin Interior view of the choir Click
Paris St-Severin View of the south nave clerestory windows Click
Paris St-Severin View of the south nave clerestory windows w217-w219 Click
Pisa Baptistery Stained glass window temporary filler; figure under canopy Click
Pisa Baptistery Stained glass window temporary filler; figure under canopy Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina East window - modern glass Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina East window - modern glass Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina East window - modern glass Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina East window - modern glass Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina East window - modern glass Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina The vaults of the nave aisle Click
Pisa Sta-Catherina Tombstone with figure Click
Pontigny Abbey Light on a wall Click
Provins St. Ayoul Modern window by Gilles Rouseval, 2010, atelier Duchemin Paris Click
Puiseaux Notre Dame Stained glass light in the nave Click
Puiseaux Notre Dame Stained glass light in the nave Click
Rome Sta-Maria-del-Popolo On the north side stained glass by Guillaume de Marcillat Click
Rome Sta-Maria-del-Popolo On the south side stained glass by Guillaume de Marcillat - the Life of the Virgin Click
Rome Sta-Sabina Modern stained glass window Click
Rome Vatican Museum Matisse's cartoons for stained glass at Chapel Rosario Click
Rome Vatican Museum Matisse's cartoons for stained glass at Chapel Rosario Click
Rome Vatican Museum Sculpture: The Madonna in limestone by Lucio Fontana Click
Rouen Museum Piece of decorative glass Click
Rouen Museum Pieces of old window glass - key - head, feet, clothing ex-Jumieges C11 Click
Rouen Museum Pieces of old window glass - key - head, feet, clothing ex-Jumieges C11 probably a Virgin and Child enthroned Click
Rouen Museum Pieces of old window glass - key - heads, clothing decorative pieces C11 probably a Virgin and Child enthroned Click
Rouen Museum Pieces of old window glass - 2 heads, C11 probably a Virgin and Child enthroned Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St Jeanne D'Arc Internal view of the windows Click
Rouen St-Maclou Exterior view from the west Click
Roye St Pierre Interior view of the nave with windows by Jean Hébert-Stevens (1931-33) repaired by Pauline Peugniez Click
Senlis St-Frambourg Interior view to the east Click
Senlis St-Frambourg Lancets with glass by Miro in the old west rose window Click
Senlis St-Frambourg Interior view to the west Click
St Lo d'Ourville Modern window Click
St-Denis Abbatiale Modern window in the south clerestory with depiction of the rose window Click
St-Denis Abbatiale Modern glass in the triforium Click
St-Denis Abbatiale Window in the crypt by M. and J. Juteau Click
St-Denis Abbatiale The north rose window - a detail of the glass Click
St-Denis Abbatiale Window of Abbe Suger giving a window (C19) Click
St-Florentin Clerestory windows in the choir Click
St-Leu Esseront Window with modern glass by Max Ingrand Click
Strasbourg Cathedral The organ and the west rose window Click
Strasbourg Cathedral The organ and the west rose window Click
Strasbourg Cathedral The organ and the north nave clerestory windows Click
Strasbourg Cathedral The west rose window and the organ Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the windows in Chapelle A Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the windows in Chapelle B Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the windows in Chapelle B Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the windows in Chapelle D Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the south chapels Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the south chapels Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the south chapels Click
Strasbourg Cathedral View of the windows in Chapelle A and B Click
Strasbourg Cathedral Interior view to the west Click
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Stained glass Click
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Stained glass Click
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Stained glass Click
St-Sulpice-s-Risle Anc. Prieuré Stained glass Click
Tours Cathedral The high windows in the choir Click
Tours Cathedral The high windows in the choir Click
Triel Interior view of the east end Click
Troyes St Madeleine Interior view across the south transept to the choir aisle east window Click
Troyes St Madeleine Interior view of rood screen and the east window Click
Troyes St Madeleine Interior view of the south east windows Click
Troyes St Nizier Interior view to the east from the south aisle Click
Troyes St Nizier Interior view of the choir to the east Click
Troyes St-Nicolas The chapel in bay 7 Click
Troyes St-Pantaleon A high window in the choir Click
Wells Cathedral The east window of the choir south aisle Click
Wilton View of the apse with the C12 and C13 glass Click
Wilton View of the apse with the C12 and C13 glass Click
Worcester Cathedral C19/20 stained glass in the cloisters Click
Worcester Cathedral C19/20 stained glass in the cloisters Click
York Minster View of ws. S.7 and s.8 Click
York Minster View of ws. n.3, n.4 and n.5 Click