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(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008

Chartres Cathedral

w.37 (Delaporte 59)

The Redemption window.

A typological representation of Old Testament scenes foreshadowing those of the New Testament.

Unusually it reads from top to bottom.


(Indicates that the panels are by the glazier Pintard in the nineteenth century)


4. Christ


5. Onlookers

6. Via Crucis

7. Onlookers with a ladder

9. Crown of thorns

8. Spies & Grapes

11. Gideon & angel

10. Scourging

12. Church

13. Crucifixion

14. Synagogue

17. Moses and the brazen serpent

15. Adam receives Christ's blood

18. Jonah enters Tarsus

16. The Elders mark the lintel with lamb's blood

19. Sacrifice of Isaac

20. The Taking down from the Cross

21. Sacrifice of Isaac

24. Elisha & the Shunamite's son

22. David with a scroll; and pelican

25. Jacob blesses Joseph's sons

23. Elija and the widow at Zarephath

26. Samson and the gates of Gaza

27. The Annointing of Christ's body

28. David slays a lion

2. Donors Blacksmiths

1. Donors Blacksmiths

3. Donors Blacksmiths